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Chasing My Pregnant Wife (Rosalie and Theodore) novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77 

Cynthia picked up a clean napkin from the table and wiped her face. Just the thought that Theodore loved her an was about to divorce Rosalie made her feel victorious. After all, Rosalie was just

discarded wife

Rosalie didn’t want to argue with Cynthia any longer. It was beneath her dignity to quarrel here, especially when others were already looking at them. She grabbed her purse and was about to stand up and leave, when suddenly, a hand landed on her shoulder

I’m here.” 

Sydney appeared in front of the two other women. She gently pressed Rosalie back into her seat

I’m so sorry I’m late. You two must have felt awkward being alone together.” 

Seeing that Cynthia’s face was damp, Sydney looked concerned. Ms. Zeller, are you okay?” 

I’m fine, Aunt. Thank you for your concern. There was just a little misunderstanding between Rosalie and I. You don’t need to worry about it,Cynthia replied

Her demeanor was now completely different from before. She was the kind of person who could change her tune depending on who she 

was with

Mom, I think I should leave first,Rosalie said as she looked up at 

her motherinlaw

Leave? Why?Sydney sat down at their table and signaled to the waiter. Since everyone’s here, let’s arder some food.” 

The waiter handed them three menus 

Not having much of an appetite, Rosalie wanted to get straight to the point. She had thought she would be having a simple me with her motherinlaw, and hadn’t expected Sydney to invite Cynthia as well

Mom, if you have something to say just say it 

I just wanted to have a meal with you two and chat There’s nothing major Can you do me this favor, considering I’m your mother in law?” Sydney said

Giving Cynthia a cold glance, Rosalie tried not to let herself get angry. That woman wasn’t worth it. Having randomly picked a dish, Rosalie handed her menu to the waiter 

After the three of them ordered their food, Sydney turned to Cynthia 

Ms. Zeller, I’m really sorry to have you come all this way, especially knowing you’re not feeling well.” 

*No problem You wanted to see me, so of course I came. I’m happy to see you,Cynthia replied politely

You’re indeed very polite, Sydney said

Sydney was usually serious, but the smile currently on her face made her appear much friendlier. Rosalie found it strange that Sydney. seemed to like Cynthia quite a bit. Could Cynthia’s seemingly sweet demeanor have fooled Sydney too

That’s what I should do. You’re my elder, Aunt, but you really take care of yourself so well. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought you were Theo’s sister instead of his mother,Cynthia complimented


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