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Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8
Carmine’s astonishment was evident on her face. “T. Wilson?” Her heart started thumping hard. “B-but you were in Oregon?” She assumed that Mr. T. Wilson was an old man, but never in her dreams she thought he would be so young and handsome.
“No,” he said, as if hardly able to breathe. “I was around when you called. So, I thought of seeing the person I am selling the house to.”
“Oh!” Carmine brushed her hair with her fingers as her cheeks heated. “Nice to meet you.” She extended her hand to him for a formal handshake. He took her small one in his large warm ones and, to her amazement, electricity zipped down her b*dy. Every part of her b*dy reacted wildly-attracted to the magnet called T. Wilson. She looked at their hands and couldn’t help but notice how his large paws engulfed her small hand.
her in,” she said in a breathy voice. When he didn’t move, “Please cOIT
shot eyes his face, and she found he was staring at her with clenched jaws with an intensity that could burn her. Liquid heat pooled in her belly. She stifled a moan.
Feeling flustered, she removed her hand from his. “Please come in,” she repeated with a ragged breath.
“Who’s there?” The shop filled with Joseph’s loud voice and heavy footsteps as he came down the stairs. As soon as he arrived, he stopped abruptly, staring at the imposing man. in their shop. A dangerous aura was around him and Joseph immediately came to stand. behind Carmine as if to protect her. The moment he did that, a growl emanated from the stranger and he paled. “What do you want?” Joseph asked, totally terrified.
“Relax Joseph,” Carmine chuckled nervously. “He is Mr. T. Wilson. I am interested in his property.”
Joseph gave her a surprised look. “What property?”
Carmine shifted on her feet. “I’ll explain later.” Then her gaze went to Mr. Wilson. “How did you find my address, Mr. Wilson?” she asked as she waved at the couch near the window for him to sit.
He sat on the couch, covering the distance in his large strides. He regarded the small wedding boutique while folding his legs over his knees. “I saw your address on the property site and so I came to see you personally.” His eyes landed on Carmine and his Adam’s apple bobbed. “Many people want that cottage, but I didn’t want to give to just anyone. That house holds a special place in my heart.”
“Oh, so you personally check their details?” Carmine was taken aback that he was able to acquire her address, and even more so that he discovered her office address.
He shrugged, glancing at Joseph. “I have a proposition to make,” he added quickly.
Carmine felt extremely awkward, but she pulled a chair opposite to him and sat on it. “Joseph, could you please get us some coffee?”
Joseph gave Mr. Wilson a warning look before leaving, making it clear that he was watching him closely and expecting him to behave. Mr. Wilson returned his stare, his expressions turning dark. Joseph hurried away.
As soon as he disappeared upstairs, Carmine took a deep breath in. “What kind of proposition, Mr. Wilson?”
“I have checked upon your credentials,” he replied. “And I know you are having tax
She froze. How deep contacts did this man have? “Y-yes, I have, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“I know. I do not doubt you. But I am here to help you.” When Carmine raised an eyebrow in suspicion, he said, “It’s purely because of my selfish interest.”
“I see…” She shifted in her chair.
Sensing her fear, he said with urgency in his voice, “I am in a hurry to sell the house because I have to move somewhere else. I mean, I can help you with winding up here and move to Oregon, if that’s okay with you. My people can help you in selling your apartment and this shop.”
She blinked, licking her lips. “I-”
“You don’t even know me, so why will you trust me?” he cut her off. “Don’t worry.” He took his wallet out and gave her the card. “That’s my number. You can contact me anytime you like.”
“But why do you want to help me?” she asked, bewildered.
Joseph came down with three mugs coffees. He gave one to T. Wilson and the other to her while he sipped from his. “Is everything okay?” he asked and placed his hand on her shoulder.
Mr. T. Wilson’s jaw clenched again, and he gripped his mug. He avoided him. “My people can help you wind from here, Ms. Jones. I am interested in you because I believe you will take care of my home like it’s yours.”
Carmine blushed a rosy pink as her lips curled up. “I will definitely take care of your home. Thank you so much for all your help.”
“You can’t believe in strangers so easily, Carmine,” Joseph interrupted, taking the card
from her. He read it and said, “I will verify the details.”
“That’s right,” Mr. Wilson almost snarled. “You can’t believe the strangers.” He rose to his feet. “I have to go elsewhere. It was a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Jones. I am staying in a hotel nearby. If you feel you have a doubt, you can drop by at anytime. But remember. my offer stands for this week only. After that, I will be gone!”
She got up too. “Thanks for extending your help. But selling my shop and my house is going to be a genuine issue. It takes a lot of time to find the right buyers.”
“I know that’s why I extended my help,” he replied. “Hope to see you soon.” Saying that, he shot a glare at Joseph and exited..
Carmine sagged in her chair. The air was so charged around him that when he left, she kind of missed him.
“Carmine, this is ridiculous. I don’t like that man at all!”
She had a different opinion. “Let’s get going Joseph.”
“But Carmine-”
“Joseph, I think I must take a quick decision. This is an excellent opportunity. Why don’t you check the credentials of that man? If everything is right, then I am putting up the advertisement to sell my shop and apartment! I don’t want to burden him so much.”
“Everything seems too good to be true,” Joseph protested. “And you just can’t move so far away to Oregon!”
By afternoon, Joseph called up people to find out about him and verified his identity. The man was filthy rich. He had many properties across America. No one knew what his profession was, but they said that he was a chaebol. Despite many women vying for his attention and bed, he stayed mysterious and aloof.
Carmine beamed at Joseph, posting her advertisements. She rubbed her hands. excitedly. “He seems okay to me! I am sure things are going the right way!”
But what happened next was completely unexpected.


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