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Claiming Her Back novel (Jessica and Lucas) novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148 

“Okay, thank you,” Jessica replied and left the restaurant.

Although she looked calm, she was quite surprised deep down.

Lucas left because he didn’t feel well?

What on earth happened to him?

Jessica was once Lucas’ wife after all. As far as she knew, he never put his health first. He wouldn’t have left if he only felt slightly uncomfortable.

If Lucas had left because Jessica was late, he must have thought of a better excuse.

Jessica stood at the door of the restaurant and thought for a while. She didn’t think rushing to the Thomas villa was proper, so she called Lucas.

To her surprise, Hari answered the phone.

“Mr. Hartley?”

“Miss Hall, what happened?” Hari’s voice sounded unusually indifferent.


Jessica paused and continued to ask, “Sorry, I was late today. When I went to the restaurant, I heard from the waitress that Mr. Thomas left because he felt unwell. I’m just calling to check how he’s doing now.”

“Lucas has a stomachache. He is having an injection now,” Hari replied.

Hari hedged for two seconds before he made up his mind to continue, “Miss Hall, maybe it’s not for me to say, but if you were caught up by something, you could have told Lucas, right? Terry beat him so hard that his stomach spasmed the other day. And today, because he had to wait for you, his stomach problem…..

Hari stopped before he could finish. Jessica seemed to have heard someone else speaking on the other side.

So Jessica asked, “It’s my fault to be late today. You just said that Mr. Davison beat him and his stomach spasmed. What did you mean by that?” –

“Nothing. That’s not my business. Excuse me,” Hari did not elaborate on that. He hurriedly hung up.

Jessica wasn’t mad. Instead, she only felt confused.


Did Hari just say that Lucas was beaten by Terry and his stomach problem attacked again?

But Jessica remembered that it was clearly Lucas who took the upper hand that day. Terry had wounds in the corners of his mouth.


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