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Claiming Her Back novel (Jessica and Lucas) novel Chapter 62


Chapter 62 

Hari finally drove away

Hearing the sound of a car engine from downstairs, Lucas, who was sitting on the sofa, slowly opened his eyes.

Hari had finally left, so nobody would disturb him anymore. Yet Hari‘s question still lingered on in Lucas‘ mind.

How came Lucas went to Jessica‘s apartment?

Even Lucas himself had no idea. Last night, Luna had a high fever. Lucas went over and stayed until midnight when her fever was gone.

Lucas then drove his car back to the Thomas villa. Yet somehow he headed for Jessica‘s apartment and stopped there.

Jessica‘s apartment was near the road in the downtown area. It was past 2 a.m. Lucas pulled up his car on the roadside. When he looked up, he saw the apartment building where Jessica lived.

Lucas knew that Jessica liked him not long after they got married.

Lucas actually never thought of divorcing Jessica so quickly. It was probably because Jessica made a satisfying Mrs. Thomas.

Though troubles never stopped coming, in general, Jessica never affected or constrained Lucas as his wife.

Lucas needed such a wife.

Lucas grew up in the Thomas family where he had seen a lot of marriages for business‘ sake. The couples usually lead their own lives after getting married.

Though Lucas refused to sleep with Jessica, he never hooked up with other women out there.

Lucas respected their marriage and hoped that his wife could respect their marriage as well.

Jessica liked Lucas. Thus, she did well on this.

If Jessica had not proposed a divorce, Lucas thought that their marriage might last until death did them apart.

As time went by, Lucas was clearer and clearer about what feelings he held toward Luna. They were more of guilt and gratitude than love.

Yet the assumption didn‘t exist after all. Lucas was about to treat Jessica as his real wife when Jessica proposed to divorce Lucas

Jessica used to be so into Lucas, yet after they divorced, Lucas saw a new person in Jessica.

Jessica’s eyes didn‘t glimmer anymore when she saw Lucas. She even ignored him several times.

Last night, Lucas thought that Jessica ignored him on purpose, only to attract his attention. Yet when Lucas saw her leave while holding Terry‘s hand, he realized that Jessica was indeed no longer in love with him.

Sadly, Lucas found that his discovery didn‘t go well for him. At first, Lucas kindly warned Jessica not to be tempted by Terry only because of the three-year marriage they had.


The wind last night was very cold. Lucas opened the car window and smoked a cigarette on the roadside outside Jessica’s apartment. Lucas even pictured in his mind that Terry might have stayed in her apartment at that time


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