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Cold CEO Pampering Wife Diary novel Chapter 71

"Then come to my company after the interview. Let's have lunch together, okay?" Ellie had told Yvonne this morning.

"I'm on the square in front of your company, and I'm waiting for you." After saying that, Yvonne hung up the phone.

She felt much better after the phone call with Ellie. Fortunately, she was not alone now. She smiled again, it turned out that sadness could be cured in this way.

"Why must Bella come to see mom? Is it boring to follow daddy? " Holding Bella's hand, Cary bent down and asked her.

He had planned to take Bella with him today, but after the whole morning, Bella insisted on coming to the company to see her mother. Cary had no choice but to bring Bella here.

"I've never been to a place where mom works, and she said that I couldn't come here to look for her because Bella didn't have a father. But now I have a father, I can pick her up from work with dad and have dinner together. I heard that other children are all like this." Bella raised her head and said innocently.

"Then daddy will call mommy down, okay?" Cary had no choice but to compromise like this, he could never refuse Bella's request. It was impossible for Cary to swagger into the company of Lin Family with Bella. Or in this way, the whole city would know that Cary had a five year old daughter overnight, and she was also the child of Rae. He still felt a little resistant.

"Are you in the company?" As soon as the phone was connected, Cary's tone was not as gentle as before. "I'll wait for you downstairs with Bella. Let's have lunch together."

Of course, Rae didn't expect that Cary would take the initiative to look for her. She agreed immediately and said, "Okay, I happen to be free this afternoon. I'll be right downstairs. "After hanging up the phone, Rae immediately went downstairs with her bag, regardless of the pile of documents on the table.

Yvonne had been waiting on the square for nearly twenty minutes, but Ellie hadn't come down yet, so she stood up and wanted to wait for her downstairs. If she didn't come downstairs, she would go to buy the take out for Ellie. She didn't have much time for lunch, because she couldn't have meals while working overtime.

At this moment, Ellie was about to go downstairs to look for Yvonne, but when she was waiting for the elevator, she met Aaron. With a glance, he called her to the staircase.

Everyone was waiting for a coincidence or a perfect brushed past. It might just be a joke, and no one could avoid it.

"What do you want to say? Say it now. I don't have much time left." Leaning against the handrail of the staircase, Ellie looked at her watch and urged Aaron, since Yvonne was still waiting for her downstairs for lunch.

"Do you think you can ignore me as you have joined the Lin Family?" Aaron approached Ellie step by step, his eyes as if he was going to eat her. "We have reached an agreement that as long as you work in the Lin Family, you will come to accompany me. Do you really think that you are now a Cinderella? Just don't forget who you are! "

Chapter 71 Why Are You Here 1


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