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Come Back to Me novel Chapter 58


"Is it just me, or does everyone here look like they have daddy issues?" I said to Sinister, my arm encircling his as he led us into an immense room, filled with hundreds of expensively dressed men and women.

"Hush Calla." Sinister whispered to me.

I glanced at Sebastian, who nodded hardly to me in agreement.

See? Someone knows what I'm talking about. Every man and woman in the room were draped with expensive clothes and jewelry. It was almost funny, how every woman in the room was absolutely stunning, no matter what their date looked like.

Hah, gold diggers.

A massive orchestra played music in the front of the ballroom, men and women danced graciously in front of them. Well-dressed servers and waiters walked briskly around, offering champagne, sparkling waters and exotic looking dishes to people.

"This place looks too...breakable for me to be here." I commented, as Sinister offered me a glass of sparkling water.

"I agree, but stay confident Calla. Have you not noticed the way people are looking at you?" He commented, taking a swig from the crystal glass.

I honed in on people near us, I felt stupid to not have known it before, my eyes seemed to come in contact with everyone around us. An older man looked at Sinister, and then to me, his date following in his lead. Everyone seemed to be looking at Sinister and I.

This is fucking weird.

"It's fear, admiration, and curiosity, if you were wondering." Sinister said, his hand grazing the small of my back.

"Gotcha. That's weird, why don't they just come and talk to me if they're so damn curious?"

Sinister chuckled, "Fear, of me mostly, but also of you. They heard how you slaughtered the remaining members of the Bratva gang. You're known to be quite merciless, though I find you just adorable."

"Just adorable." I mimicked, rolling my eyes and downing the rest of my non alcoholic beverage. Jesus I would kill for some alcohol.

I glanced over to Sebastian and Sabrina, Seb seemed to be making cheerful conversation with an old looking man, who's arm rested very very low on some young girls back.

Seb noticed me looking at them and motioned for me to join them. Sinister nodded to him, leading me towards the little group. The young girl looked even younger than I was, she had light olive skin, with red hair pulled into a tight bun. She had wide, innocent looking brown eyes that stared at us as we approached them.

"Sinister, Calla, this is Samuel, he runs one of the largest human trafficking rings in the country." Sebastian nodded to us.

Oh, perfect.

His skin was leathery, his white hair sleeked back. He looked old enough to be my grandfather,

"Oh my!" He barked out, staring at us, "Sinister Velkov, it's just such a pleasure to meet you, you as well Mrs. Velkov." He stared creepily at me "I've heard many stories of your little second in command here." He nodded appreciatively at me as he spoke to Sinister.

"Good to meet you." Sinister said crisply, his arm still tight around me.

"Pleasure to meet you" I said awkwardly, "This must be your...daughter? Granddaughter?"

Sinister's hand tightened, but instead of taking offense, Samuel barked out into laughter, as if what I just said was the most ridiculous, unmentionable thing possible.

"Gods no, this is Ariel, my date." He slapped her ass for good measure.


"Sinister Velkov! Is that you!!" A high pitched voice squealed.

I turned to see a fucking blonde goddess walking our way. You have got.to.be.kidding.me.

She was my height, if not taller. Her hair was long and golden blonde. She wore a revealing red dress, to reveal perfectly perky tanned boobs. Her long legs were revealed by a high slit, and god fuck me she had big blue eyes that were hooded by thick black makeup. She looked to be in her mid twenties, and oh my fuck I'm going to die, if I was gay I'd want her. Hell, I think I want her now. Wait, no Calla, no. She is the enemy.

She looked like Barbie sent from Hell.

Sinister's head perked up as he smiled at her, "Hayden!!"

She waltzed over to him like it was a fucking Victoria Secret runway show.

"I've never liked anyone named Hayden." I muttered to Sebastian, frowning as she walked over to my husband and threw her arms around him. Sinister actually kissed her cheeks as they embraced, and I felt like throwing myself in front of a fucking Honda Oddesy.

"Careful, darlin'" Sebastian whispered to me "that's Sinisters ex girlfriend."

The fuck?

"Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you in years! It's so great to see you! You look fabulous, just incredible!" She gushed at Sinister, her perfectly shaped titties bouncing as she talked.

I'm going to slam my tongue in a car door.

"You do too! It's been years and you haven't changed a bit." Sinister smiled at her, Hayden laughed, pawing at his arms as she smiled.

Time to introduce yourself Calla. Remember to make this awkward for everyone.

I dropped the glass in my hand, the crystals shattering into millions of pieces.

"Whoopsies, oh my fuck, I'm so clumsy, wow, oh hiiiii! " I smiled fakely at her.

Sinister sighed, "Hayden, this is Calla, my wife."

She didn't even seem fazed, "Oh hi Calla!" She turned to Sinister, "Oh Sin, she's so cute! How have I never met her!"

I am not cute.

"And" I pipped up "his second in command. So you know, I'm married to a billionaire, and I kill people for a living. What do you do Karen?"

"Hayden." She corrected.

Hayden, Karen, same thing. They're both stupid names.

She smiled at me, but I could literally tell she didn't like me, her smile didn't meet those cynical blue eyes of hers.

"Do you want to dance?" Sinister offered her his arm.

He did NOT.

"Of course!" She blushed, darting a glance at me before grasping his arm. "We have so much to catch up on!"

Oh my god. This is not actually happening. Holy good mother lord jesus.

"Ouchh." Sebastian grinned next to me, "That's gotta hurt. Especially because shes so...fuckin' sexy."

I glared at him.

He raised his hands up innocently, "Hey baby, I'm just a truth teller."

"Okay then do me a favor and fuck off, I'm not in a good mood." I folded my arms in front of me.


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