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Come Back to Me novel Chapter 61

"I'm going to buy a minivan, and run him over with it." I said, pissed off as hell as I stormed away from Antons room, Sebastian hot on my heels.

"Calla, no." Sebastian grabbed my arm, pulling me back towards him.

"Calla, no." I mimicked, ripping my arm away from him. "Do you even understand what the fuck he did? He used me, he used my reaction to kidnap that crackhead Hayden. He could have told me and I'd still give the same reaction. If you haven't noticed, I'm a very temperamental woman. Like last week, I was driving on the highway, and this fucking Prius was riding my ass, so I turned on my windshield wiper fluid so that it sprayed on his car. Then I rolled down my window, threw my Taco Bell Quesadilla at him and told him that I would blow up his dog. I love dogs I don't know why I said that, I-I-I....FUCK." I yelled, my face was flushed with anger as I sped walked through the halls.

"Calla, calm the fuck down and get your shit together. I know what Sinister did and sure, it was fucked up but you need to calm the fuck down." Sebastian said, grabbing my arm softly this time.

I stopped in my tracks and glared at him, "Of course you knew. Why don't people fucking tell me things I need to know. You know what? I'm gonna go have sexual intercourse with Anton, yeah, that'll show Sinister to fuck with me."

I turned around, making my way towards Antons room, ignoring Sebastians calls after me.

"ANTON!" I yelled, "It's time for INTERCOURSE!!"

"Shut the fuck up Calla. You want to resolve this? Then let's go talk to Sinister instead of trying to fuck somebody else."

I paused in my tracks, face still flustered. My hands were shaking- that's how fucking pissed I was.

How could he not tell me? I'm his wife, the woman carrying his fucking child, and he didn't tell me.

And to make things worse, he yelled at me. I knew him yelling at me was definitely not a part of his little plan and that made me feel even worse.

"Fine." I muttered, "but just so you know, if he tests me one more time, I'll find some way to give him AIDs. Don't even think this is a joke, I'm very creative when I'm mad."

If Hayden wasn't already dead, I was about to kill her.


"Calla stop putting my hazard lights on, we're almost there." Sebastian sighed as he gripped the steering wheel.

"I can't, I push buttons when I'm mad." I pouted as I clicked on his blinker.

"Fine. Then at least stop putting the windows down. It's raining." He huffed.

He switched the hazard lights off, and turned on child lock, his lips pulled tight in annoyance as he pulled up to the driveway of the compound. His jaw tightened with irritation.

We arrived at the gates to the compound, an armed guard walked over to the car, his face shadowed over in the night sky.

"Sebastian I can't let Mrs. Velkov in. Sinisters orders." He sighed as he looked at me.

Oh hell no.

"Dude if you don't let me in, you're going to wake up underwater. Kapeesh?"

He frowned, "Ma'am I can't let you in. Your husband is very busy with a captive right now."

"Okay buddy, techically I'm your second in command. So let me the fuck in or I'll blow your brains out. I'm hormonal, hungry, and feeling very trigger happy."


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