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Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom novel Chapter 496

496 Kaylus, the bully 

Grandma, Nanny Martha, where is Papa?!Kaylus screamed from upstairs.

Pink, who was speaking with Yellow in the sitting room, looked up at her and smiled. Your brother is not your Papa, Princess.” 

Kaylus looked confused for a moment before saying, He buys me dolls, he comb my hair, he buys my clothes, we sleep together, he changes my clothes and bathes me too. He feeds me and takes care of me. I should call him, Mama, but he’s a boy.” 

Pink sighed. Bring her down, else she might fall.” 

A maid immediately hurried over the stairs to carry the baby

Pink took the baby from the maid and tapped her nose. Don’t think you can fool ine, little one. He told you to call him Papa, didn’t he?” 

Kaylus shook her head, He didn’t. Papa is Papa, Daddy is Daddy.” 

Yellow couldn’t help but chuckle, while Pink felt a headache. This will be an issue when Maverick returns, she thought

Baby, listen, Papa is Daddy too.” 

Ok.The child nodded. Then I can call him Daddy and Papa too, right?” 

Huh?Pink looked strangely at her

HahahaShe missed the point.” 

No, I didn’t. Grandma said Papa and Daddy are the same. Brother is my Papa and also my Daddy, right?” 

Pink massaged her aching temple. You know what, this matter will be taken care of when your mom and dad return. I’m growing old from speaking to you.” 

So where did my Papa go?the child asked again

Your brother went to the company with your uncle. They’ll take a while. Your brother said-” 

He left without me?she pouted

That’s not it. You were sleeping and he didn’t want to bother you.” 

Last week, he left me at home and ran to his graduation alone. Grandma, is he avoiding me?” 

No!Pink kissed her head. He’s your papa, right? Fathers don’t avoid their children. It’s his first day at the company, so he couldn’t take you along. You know your brother loves you the most, he’ll take you along next time.” 

The child nodded, I believe youBut I want to speak to him.” 

Pink sighed deeply. At this rate, Valen would turn into a walking skeleton. In God’s name, what did Valen do to this child to deserve this

Kaylus doesn’t allow Valen to live in peace. Ever since she was born, her favourite and most hated 

person is Valen

Before she started walking, Kaylus would pee or poop on her diaper when she’s carried by someone else, but immediately she sees Valen coming, she’d cry so much and pull at her diaper until it is taken off. Then, she’d spread her hands for Valen to pick her up. Once he did, Kaylus would either pee on him or poop on him

That scheme of hers never got old. It got to a point that Valen became used to it. The days she won’t desecrate his lovely outfit, he’d be wondering if she was ill

When she started crawling, Kaylus would crawl all over Valen, even in his sleep. To make it worse, it was not a onetime thing. That child did it so much that they were separated but Kaylus got very sick afterwards that they felt she’d die, so Valen took her back to his room. However, there were servants on standby

When she grew teeth, Valen became her meat. She’d bite Valen every single time. Oh, poor Valen. He even got his long and beautiful hair cut with scissors when he was taking a nap 

last year

Kaylus is Valen’s nemesis, but the children’s love for each other is simply one that most parents would be shocked by

Valen said he hates cuteness but each time he bought his baby sister things, they were always the cutest things. Because of his baby sister, Valen established a company that manufactures kid’s stuff. He makes sketches of whatever stuff he feels his sister needs and sends it to his company for production

Now, Kaylus is the child ambassador of KVL Group; Valen’s company

Presently, Pink nodded, get the phone.” 

Kaylus spoke to Valen for over three hours. She wasn’t literally saying stuff for three hours. In fact, the number of times she spoke wouldn’t be up to twenty times. But having the phone to her ear and hearing the background noise, gave her reassurance that her brother was fine

What nobody but herself knew was that she sticks to her brother because she wants to make sure he’s always fine at all times, but bullying him makes her happy

At the Lu company… 

Rex and Valen could be seen in Maverick’s office after the meeting was over. Rex was discussing with Valen but the child doesn’t seem to be buying it

Valen, I think it’s time your sister starts going to school. She’s older than her cousin, who is just two 



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