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Contract With Alpha Logan novel Chapter 135

Chapter 135 

Astrid POV 

In a flash of a second, Kael was on the throat of the boy who passed the remark, his both hands tightening. He peeled his lips back, showing me a hint of his sharp canines that made me stifle a gasp. I’d never seen someone with such sharp canines

What did you say?he growled at the boy, who balked

The boy caught his wrist and sputtered, Nnothing. Please leave. Yyou can’t!” 

Other three boys surrounded Kael and grabbed his shoulders to pull him back. Kael, this is not done!One of them shouted. You are crossing the line. We will complain to the principal.” 

Toren pounced on the boys and moments later. The sound of punches and fists filled the air, and within moments, the group of four was sprawled on the ground, some curled up in pain, others groaning in agony

My mouth dropped open, seeing the sheer strength of the twins. Before I could comprehend, Kael grabbed the back of my neck in a possessive way and pushed me away from them, leaving all four as a spectacle for those who dared to speak against me. Everyone around us watched us in pure fear. As we strode through the corridor, people parted, making way for us in the middle

I had to match my speed with his as I walked with them. My cheeks turned a bright shade of red as I struggled to comprehend why Kael was willing to take such a serious risk against the student body or the school administration just to protect me

I could still feel his rage radiating off his body in waves. It was as if he was in a different zone where only he and I existed and where he was going to do anything to protect me. I did not know what happened in the last twentyfour hours, but his reaction wasscary, andinteresting, and… arousing. Not only that, Toren was also extremely protective of me. Confusion about the brothers trickled through my mind. I wanted to ask hundreds of questions, but we reached the next class

Toren opened the door of the class, and Kael and I entered. Briana, who was sitting with Parker, rushed to my side to sit with me, but Kael narrowed his eyes at her and she backed off. This was absolutely not what I wanted. Was he trying to isolate me from my folks? Others in the class looked everywhere other than us. Awkwardness coated the air as I sat with Kael, with my heart pounding in my chest like that of a wild horse. Tracy and her friends were nowhere to be seen

The teacher came in and said, Kael, Toren!She glared at me as she addressed them. You both are wanted at the principal’s office. Now!” 

Shit. I snapped my head towards Kael. He narrowed his eyes and got up with clenched jaws. This was trouble and this was serious trouble

You too, Miss Astrid,” the teacher said, giving me accusatory looks

Murmurs emanated in the class as the three of us got up, collected our bags, and strode out of the class. Walking hand in hand with Kael, it felt as if I was moving through a fog, completely lost. Why did my nude video go viral and result in me being summoned to the principal’s office? Shouldn’t it be the one who posted the video? The one who started the mess just to show me down

Principal Henson was in a pathetic mood. Sitting behind his mahogany desk, his fingers steepled beneath his chin, he glared at the three of us standing before him. I fidgeted under his icy glare. Except for the ticking of the grandfather clock in the corner, the room was silent

He leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. I cannot believe the three of you, of all people, would be involved in such reckless behavior,he said, his voice low and controlled, yet seething with anger. Fighting within the premises of school is equal to vandalizing the property.His eyes settled on me. And you! You got excellent grades in your previous school. How could you behave in such a degraded manner and bring down the school’s reputation?” 

Blood drained from my face. It meant that he had also seen the video

Kael opened his mouth to speak, but Henson raised his hand to silence him. Save your explanations, Hanks. I expected better from the students of your caliber. Your actions have consequences, and those consequences will be severe.” He rested back in his chair. First, you will each serve a three- day suspension. During this time, you are banned from entering all the classes. I’ll only allow you to practice football because a match is coming up. This will be noted in your records, and I will be personally inform your parents.He looked at me and scoffed. In your case, Fred and Bree.” 

But Sir,Kael interrupted. This wasn’t our fault. You have to listen to us as well.” 

He gave a piercing look at Kael. You are the captain of our football team, a leader of sorts. You gave up on being the president of the student association because you wanted to focus on your game. Both you and Toren. I expected you to set a better example in the future. I hope you use the time of suspension to reflect on your actions and their impact.” 

Principal Henson,” I murmured, my vision turning blurry. Please don’t tell it to my uncle and aunt. They will be shattered.” 

In that case, you should have been responsible, Astrid!he retorted. I’d suggest that you take a week’s holiday and sit in your home to understand the repercussions of your deed. What you did was shameful!” 


Chapter 135 

No!Kael snapped. She was drugged by someone. So whatever Astrid did, she did under the influence of the drug!” 

That’s right,Toren added. She was drugged,” 


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