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Contract With Alpha Logan novel Chapter 171

Chapter 171 

Biancha POV 

Toren went quiet after I snapped the question at him. What was going to happen once the potion was over? The notion that I was a succubus felt like a heavy boulder sitting on my chest. I was born and brought up like a werewolf and then shunned for not being able to shift into one

I took a deep breath in thinking of my father and mother. Was my mother a succubus or my father was an incubus? Nothing made sense because both of them led very werewolflike lives. My mind was numb because I was unable to fully process the revelation. It felt surreal. Like I was living a bad dream and now I was plunged into a horrible nightmare. Shock and disbelief warred in my mind, which was trying to grasp the reality of the situation

Once shock wore off, confusion flooded and along with it, a thousand questions. What was my real identity? The very foundation of who I believed I was, had been shaken, and I had this deep uncertainty swirling inside me. I felt betrayed by my parents. If my father knew about me, why did he keep such a big secret from me? His beatings were severe, but this hurt me deeper

And if I was a succubus, my future was uncertain. Would it change how others saw me? People would be wary of me and most likely I would be thrown into dungeons. The fear of the unknown was paralyzing. Anger built up. Not just toward my father, but also toward the situation

Even though insecurity and doubt made me question my selfworth, I saw a flicker of hope in Toren

I know you don’t trust me at this time, Biancha,” Toren’s voice tore through my thoughts. But please have this potion. This is the only way we can ascertain that men don’t come to you. We are going to my pack, which consists of wolves. And wolves are predatory. So-” 

My chin quivered as fresh tears fell. I’m so sorry that I have put you in this mess. You can dump me here, Toren. I swear I won’t complain once.” 

He stared at me with anger. Suddenly, he pulled me into his arms and hugged me hard. Never ever say that. I know it is hard for you.He pressed my head into his chest. But we will solve it together. I have informed my parents about it and they have said that they are already investigating your case.” 

I just closed my eyes and sighed. His arms, his body, his proximityeverything was so calming to me. What do your parents do?I asked. I can’t thank them enough.His parents must be really 

being able to help me so well

He chuckled and pressed a kiss on the top of my head. You’ll know in time.” 

I kissed his chest and pulled away. It’s time I have the potion,” I laughed nervously. even more. Whoa!I rasped

Aiden chuckled. Don’t worry, it won’t burn your gut. The witch assured me that.” 


I opened the bottle, the green frothy liquid started frothing 

Taking a deep breath in, I brought the bottle to my mouth. Ugh!It smelled so bad, like rotten eggs, that I wanted to puke. So I pinched my nose and gulped half of it down before coughing madly. Yuck, yuck, yuck!My face turned red with repulsion as the taste of the liquid exploded on my tongue. What the fuck is this?” 

Toren stroked my back as Aiden laughed. I clenched my teeth in disgust. Toren immediately handed me a glass of water as Aiden continued to laugh

You’re going to turn into a monster,Aiden said in an eerie voice. I can already see those tiny horns coming out of your head.” 

Shut up!I hissed and slapped his back. He fell into a fit of laughter as Toren shot him a glare

Don’t rile her up,Toren warned Aiden. But Aiden being Aiden, he continued with his stupid monster jokes for so long that I blasted at him to keep quiet or I would force him to have the remaining potion along with Toren. And that did the trick

Okay, okay,he grunted. I don’t want to lose my charm by getting horns on my head and seduce girls.” This earned him another smack on the head from me and Toren

We reached the Nord pack ten hours later, during which I slept for five hours. Toren drove half of the way, with me sitting in front with him. It was afternoon when we reached the Nord Pack. And boy! It was such a beautiful pack. I had never seen so much opulence on the streets

As we approached, a sense of awe immediately struck me. A massive, arched gateway of ancient stone, adorned with intricate carvings of wolves, moons, and celestial symbols, marked the entrance. The road leading in was paved with cobblestones. In the center of the pack was a grand marble plaza, inlaid with gold and silver designs. Surrounding the plaza were grand buildings with ornate balconies and mesmerizing facades

Dominating the skyline was Alpha’s Manor. I was certain Toren would drive me to one of the houses that dotted the estate, but instead, he parked in front of the manor’s main entrance. What are we doing here?I scolded him under my breath

We’ve come home, love,” he said, holding my hand and tugging me inside




Yalla Ludo 

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12:34 PM

Chapter 171 

What do you mean?I asked, bewildered as hell

He stood in front of me and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. His lips lifted slightly as he said, This is my home.” 

My jaw dropped to the floor. Toren was Alpha’s son

He leaned over and kissed me on my lips. Get used to it, love.Then he tugged me up the stairs

From the corner of my eye, I saw Aiden stretching before he walked up

Torennn!A beautiful girl with blond hair came rushing down. Oh, my goddess!she said. Is this Biancha? She is beautiful!” 

Toren nodded proudly as he smirked at me. Bia, meet Layla, my sister. Layla, Bia.” 


A blush rose to my cheeks as Layla hugged me with love. Goddess, people had so much love in them. It was such an overwhelming moment for me. I had forgotten what love was until Toren came along, but his love was a different kind

I knew you’ll have the most beautiful mate amongst us!Layla chirped. I can’t wait for her to meet others. Astrid is waiting in the main room. We’ve both been considering where to go with Biancha after everything is settled.” 


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