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Coolest Girl in Town (Elise and Alexander) novel Chapter 384

Chapter 384 The Day of Miracles,Coolest Girl in Town
It was late at night and the entire Griffith Family had already drifted off into sleep when Penny, a member of the household staff, pried open a small gap in the door of the backyard. Through the gap, she could see Matthew’s figure standing on the other side of the door; he looked to have been waiting for a while, and not wanting his patience to run out, she quickly and cautiously informed, “Young Master Alexander has decided to sever ties with the rest of the Griffiths. It was quite the scene!” In the dimness, his cold and sinister face seemed to brighten at the news. “I see. Well done, Penny.” 



“There’s no need for praise.” Whatever Penny was doing now went against her good conscience and she was already uneasy as things were. However, she knew she didn’t have a choice, not while Matthew was threatening to hurt her grandson, who had only just started schooling not too long ago. “I’d be grateful enough if you could keep your word and leave my family unhurt, Young Master Matthew.” “Don’t you worry, Penny; I wouldn’t lay a finger on your family as long as you cooperate with me,” he drawled with an icy smile. “Well, you best keep that in mind!”


After having thrown the words brusquely over her shoulders, Penny closed the door to the backyard and lightly tread back into the house. She had never done anything as unsettling as this before, and to make matters worse, she was cohorting with a criminal whom the police were after. She had a feeling that she would not be able to get any sleep for the rest of her days. Meanwhile, under the moonless night sky, Matthew slowly turned away from the house and walked into the distance as he took the phone out of his pocket… The next morning, news of Alexander cutting off the Griffiths broke all over the city, and along with it came word of the Griffith Family’s hard fall from grace.

Within an hour of the stock market opening, the Griffiths saw a steep decline in the value of their shares that amounted to hundreds of billions; they were merely a fraction away from entirely falling out of the market. The Securities Regulatory Commission were worried that a shift in market dynamics such as this would turn the shareholders manic and it was only when the Commission intervened that the Griffith Group was saved from plummeting even further. Despite the damage control, everyone knew that the Griffiths’ reign was coming to an end; the thread that tied them to capitalist privileges was fraying fast and it would break at any second.

While chaos took the stock market by storm, Elise was tucked away in the classroom and listening to an open lecture. Addison was sitting next to her, but she seemed restless as she tapped her pen against the desk, sighing every once in a while like she was pondering life’s biggest conundrums. At some point, Elise finally couldn’t stand the girl’s plaintive disposition any longer and asked softly, “Normally, you’d be playing video games by now. What’s up?” “I’m not in the mood,” Addison answered with a weary sigh, sounding depressed. “My dad’s business ran into some problems; they’re saying we might be bankrupt soon.


When that happens, I won’t be able to stay in college anymore. I’d probably have to immediately find work so that I can pay my dues.” “That sounds pretty serious.” Addison had always been the life of the party, as if she had not a care in the world. Elise didn’t think that things could turn so bleak that bankruptcy would be in the books. “Right?” Addison sighed again. “Unless a miracle—like a really big one—happens, my family would end up like your boyfriend’s and we’d have to wind up the company for good.”

She was wallowing in self-pity, but as soon as she heard herself, she hurried to explain, “Sorry, Elise—I’m not saying that your boyfriend’s family would be bankrupt; I just thought that our situations are close enough by comparison…” To be fair, though, the Griffiths will be devastated by hundreds of billions worth in losses if they were to go bankrupt. She couldn’t imagine how the Griffiths would pull through. Conversely, Addison’s family was facing a much smaller setback.

The debts that came from their bankruptcy wouldn’t be enough to entirely crush them and they could pay those off if they just tightened their belts a little. “It’s fine,” Elise said, not at all bothered. She lowered her gaze in thought before she asked, “Does your dad invest in stocks?” Addison shook her head, a little stunned as she pointed out, “You overestimate me, Elise. Stocks are for upmarket companies, and a business like ours—” “That’s not what I meant,” Elise interrupted when she saw that the girl had misunderstood.





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