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Coolest Girl in Town (Elise and Alexander) novel Chapter 559

Chapter 559 No Malicious Intentions?

“Okay. Why don’t you have a seat first?” Elise said. Once again, she started getting herself busy in the kitchen.

After taking his seat, Jack looked at Elise for a few seconds before slowly shifting his gaze toward Kenneth, who was sitting next to him. Then, he got up from his current seat and slowly moved himself to the seat that Winona had taken moments ago.

In contrast to the peaceful and quiet atmosphere in the villa, the Internet was experiencing a sea of chaos because of that livestream which lasted for less than an hour.

Trending topics of the day included: #FlowerScenMaskLivestream, and #DidFlowerScenMaskRevealHerFace.

Like raging flames rocketing into the sky, the netizens engaged in multiple heated discussions.


As Winona was busy looking at the livestream’s feedback, the situation over at the dining table next to the kitchen was in tumultuous turbulence.


Jack glanced at Kenneth lightly. Then, he picked up a teacup on the table and poured himself a cup of water. As he poured, he said, “Mr. Bailey… I don’t know if you’re aware of this… But… Elise is my sister-in-law. We’re a family.”

Upon hearing that, Kenneth smiled. “Who said I don’t?”

Jack paused from drinking his water. He moved the cup of water away, and the corners of his mouth formed a vague smile. “No gentleman would commit a mistake on purpose. Besides, I think… some things just needed to be compared in order to know their true values. Taking that bowl of dumpling soup for instance. Mr. Bailey, I can see that you fought hard for that soup. But, if it were my brother or any family members of the Griffiths, Elise would always take the initiative to either offer hers or make an extra portion. It’s just like how she’s making me a plate of beef stroganoff now upon my request.”

Without waiting for Kenneth to reply, Jack added again, “Also, it seems to me that Smith Co. had never once been involved in the entertainment industry before. Perhaps, Mr. Bailey, you may not know the problematic sides of the entertainment industry. In my opinion, any industry is the same, and one can’t simply enter as one wishes. Elise is under my care, so you can stop worrying about her from now on.”

Kenneth waited until Jack had finished his words. He smiled faintly again, lowered his head, and mumbled, “Thank you for reminding, Jack, but unfortunately, there are many people in this world who are as stubborn as a mule. And sorry… I don’t have any past-time activities other than seizing opportunities and getting what I want. As for whether I can do it, it depends on whether I have the ability. Am I not right?”

Despite raising the corners of his mouth, there was no trace of a smile in Jack’s eyes. “True. But… I won’t give you a chance either.”

“Well… I guess it’s up to our own capabilities, then,” Kenneth said as he tapped on the table. After that, he got up and put on his coat. With his gaze fixating on Jack, he teased Elise. “Miss Sinclair, I’ve paid for this meal. Shouldn’t you be sending me off personally now that I’m ready to leave?”

“Sorry, I have no time for that. You know where the door is,” Elise said snappishly.

“Oh, locating the door is an easy task for me, but it sure is tough to locate Clemence,” Kenneth said faintly.

Elise’s facial expression froze as soon as she heard Clemence’s name. And after a while, she turned off the fire and made her way toward the door first. “Hurry up! You’re gonna dry up my soup!”

“Alright! Alright!” Kenneth said, his face wearing a mischievous smile. Under Jack’s unfriendly gaze, Kenneth trailed after Elise swaggeringly.

Once arriving at the entrance, Elise opened the door and pushed it aside. A distressful look painted across her face as she leaned against the wall. “Did something happen to Clemence?”

“Well, that’s not entirely the case,” Kenneth replied with a vague smile.

Squinting her eyes, Elise looked up. “Are you tricking me?”

“Why would I?” Kenneth squinted his eyes, signs of bad intentions spotted in his facial expression. “No doubt Clemence is still facing some problems. But… the walls have ears, and it won’t be nice if someone overhears our conversation.”

“Oh, you mean Jack? He’s not an outsider, though.” Elise automatically ruled out Winona. How scheming can a fresh graduate get?

Upon hearing that, Kenneth merely shrugged his shoulders. “Humans are unpredictable. How can you be certain that he will not betray you?”


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