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Crash-landed On An Island With Nine Beauties novel Chapter 119

"What are we supposed to do?"

Though it was Allison who found her voice first, but the rest of the girls like her was fidgeting at the sight of the big white wolf which had just walked into the living room.

"What's happening?"

One of the two girls who had gone to the kitchen to prepare food walked out. As soon as she saw the wolf, she almost fell back, but was held up by her mate.

"For how long would we still consider the poor wolf as our enemy?"

Ayisha, followed by Jada and Claire walked into the living room, after the wolf.

"Did that bitch just call this scary guy a poor wolf?"

Ayisha heard one of the girls say, but she didn't really care who the owner of the words was.

"What are we supposed to do with it?"

Another girl asked.

"Look, she has a plant in her mouth. What do you think that means?"

Mira who was down suddenly showed interest. There was a strange ray of hope which lit up her gloomy face.

"Calm down, Mira. Things seems to be working our way now. But let's hope that what the wolf brought would work magic and bring our Laurette back to us."

Ayisha urged.

"Our dear Laurette."

Evelyn nodded, her eyes making a pity show. Herself and the wolf exchanged a quick glance.

The wolf then walked towards Evelyn, reaching out her mouth to Evelyn who screamed and ran to hide behind another girl.

"Help... help... she wants to bite me."

Ayisha ran to stand in the way of the wolf. The wolf looked up at Evelyn, disappointed. Then she dropped the plant on the floor and turned to walk towards the door.

"What are we supposed to do with the leaves? Make her eat them?"

"How could you even say that? Are you dumb? Really? Make her eat it? Is she herbivore?"

"We don't have time for this."

Ayisha paid attention to none of them. Instead she went to collect one of the bowls made from the coconut back. She plucked the leaves of the plant first, then began to mash the leaves till she had made something liquid out of them.

"Please help her up a little bit."

She ordered and Mira pushed Laurette's head up a bit.

"I'll feed her."

Mira not only volunteered but reached out immediately to collect the coconut back. Ayisha knew too well to argue with her on such a delicate and urgent stance.

"I'll help you hold up her head then ---"

Mira knocked Ayisha's hand off,

"Leave it! I'll do everything myself."

Couple of the girls disprove with Mira's sudden reactions, and couldn't hide it. They allowed it to spread across their faces.

Ayisha took two steps back out of caution and watched as Mira carry out the expected.

Though it was quite a difficult thing for only one person to do, Mira found her way around it. And in the blink of an eye, she had made Laurette drink the potion.

As soon as the potion travelled down into the system of the weak Laurette, she coughed twice, opened her eyes then closed it again.

"She just opened her eyes. I saw her open her eyes right now! Did you see it?"

Mira's eyes had shock seeped in them. She was pointing at Ayisha when she asked the question. Ayisha nodded.

"I saw her open her eyes."

She repeated. She began to shake Laurette slowly,

"Please open your eyes again. Please do... please..."

The manner at which she shook her sister increased, from slowly to roughly and wildly.

"Please, please do..."

She kept shaking Laurette as though she would --

"Will we just stand here and watch her do that?"

Jada called.

"Mira, take it easy. Give her a little time. If drinking the stuff made her open her eyes, then we have a hope."

"Hope? Hope?"

Mira quizzed, searching for something quite unkown in Ayisha's face. There was desperation eating into the depth of her facial expressions.

"Wake up... Laurette... please..."

She started to tear up, shaking her sister violently. She didn't seem to care that someone was watching her anymore.

"Enough of this shit."

Claire lost it and walked briskly towards her. She bent and almost grabbed Mira's arm. Suddenly, Laurette's body was violently pushed towards Claire's chest, and out of the former's mouth came a puke. And into Claire's face it poured.

"What was that?"

Claire who wasn't expecting that muttered. She was even finding it quite difficult to stand back up.

"I said what was that, you bitch!!!"

Her voice became even loud, but when a part of the black blood trailed off one of her eyes, she noticed Laurette sitting up.

"Ahh, fuck... my beautiful face. You ruined my beautiful face. You fucking --"

Evelyn rushed to Claire to lead her out but Claire pushed her away. Claire led herself out of the castle to wash her face.

"Oh my God, Laurette..."

"Are you alright?"

"Where does it ache?"

"Are you back to us?"

None of the girls could afford to entertain the distraction Claire had just created. They'd go bankrupt.

Or say the realization of Laurette's consciousness regain was strong enough to trammel the distraction.

"Let her be... don't touch her."

Chapter 119 1

Chapter 119 2


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