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Crash-landed On An Island With Nine Beauties novel Chapter 25

A heartwarming discovery.

“Hey girls.” Damien thought it right to greet first before letting them know his mind. All the girls were standing before him. It was really strange that they always go in group like a flock of sheeps.

“Come live with me for few days –”

“Why would we?”

Claire had cut in. She didn’t even let him complete the statement. She continued.

“Looking for more slaves aren’t we?” He knew what she was doing, but he didn’t understand why she would continue to be like that? Could she at least be reasonable for once?

Though he’d been curious to know what Allison whispered to Claire the other day at the pond. He couldn’t ask Allison of course. But he could feel something in his guts. There must be a reason that Claire hates him that much.

“Would you let me finish –”

BITCH, he wanted to add but he couldn’t. He didn’t want his emotions to rule his mind. The matter was a serious and delicate one.

“I’m sure of what he is or how dangerous he is, but there’s a strange creature roaming the woods. It would be safer to come stay with me. For the meantime. Until I catch him and figure out whether or not he is a threat to us.”

As much as he didn’t like some of the girls’ ridiculous attitudes and composure, he couldn’t bring himself to being fine with one of them hurt. He felt responsible for their safety. The feeling was strange. Probably he felt that way because he’d never had something to rely on. “Is it a monster?”

Damien could see fear in Evelyn’s eyes. There must something interesting about her that he was yet to know. He could feel it. “I’m not sure what to call him yet… let’s not call names. But potentially, he’s dangerous.” “And you think we can’t take care of ourselves?” That was Mira stepping forward. Claire joined in at once. “No, he must feel like since he’s a man he could do everything. He must think of us as pushovers or something. He says we would be safe with him.”

Claire ended it with a scorn. Damien’s compassionate gaze turned into a gawk. At that moment, all he could think of Claire was A STUPID SPOILT BRAT WHO HAS NO SENSE OF JUDGEMENT. A GIRL WHO IS OBSESSED WITH LEADERSHIP.

Those were the thoughts which tumbled upon each other in his mind.

“We can take care of ourselves, you hear that? So go back to your new whore.”

Accortworming discovery,


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