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Crash-landed On An Island With Nine Beauties novel Chapter 52

"Crossbow is a weapon that consists of a bow fixed crosswise on a wooden stock. This stock has grooves on the stock to direct the projectile. Projectiles are called bolts or quarrel and are shorter than traditional arrows although their lengths can vary. Bow of a crossbow is made of wood, iron or steel."

Damien paused, he was reading out from the capentry workshop manual in the system. He was doing that because of the person standing behind him, Mira.

"I won't be using iron or steel though. I'd be using wood, strings and probably some pipes."

He had all those ready, and he was about to get to work. He had no idea why she had followed him to the workspace, and he was reluctant to ask.

"I know you like her."

She said suddenly. He had no choice but to turn to her.

"What are you talking about?"

She was a nice person. She walked to stand at his front, so he wouldn't have to break his neck.

"Claire, I know that you like. And I'm not the only one who does."

Damien for a moment couldn't find his words.

"Then I guess you have fans who are as wrong as you."

She shook her head, disputing Damien's reply.

"It doesn't matter whether or not you like her. Nobody can hold you in contempt or otherwise for liking someone. But you shouldn't make it so obvious, else you would cause a fight amongst the girls."

She paused for a while.

"I can tell you for a fact that there are a lot of the girls who admire and like you. Though majority of them pretend not to. Also, I know that you've made out with Tendzel."

Damien's jaw dropped.


"No, I'm not spying on you. Girls are smarter than you think."


"You can call whatever you want. A bitch, dumbass or even a witch. I just wanted you to know. You've been such a good person to us. And you can actually have all the girls without having to turn their backs against each other."

Now Damien knew why he respected her. Though he wasn't sure if it was okay for him to see what she'd done as something natural or normal, yet he was just going with the moment as he had promised himself.

"You can get back to work."

She turned to leave.

"How about you, do you like me?"

She halted, her left hand forming a fist. She turned slowly to him with a smile,

"No, I don't."

He chuckled.

"You said yourself, majority pretend not to, when they do."

She turned away swiftly from him.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

She ran-walked away from him, both her hands fisted now. She looked back at him the last, he winked at her.

She ran to a corner and put her left palm to her chest.

"Why is my heart beating so fast? I don't like him, do I?"

She shook her head slowly.

"You don't like who?"

Laurette showed up out of nowhere.

"Let's go join the rest."

Mira walked briskly away. Laurette followed, calling,

"Stop avoiding the question. Do you like Damien?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Mira neither waited, nor looked back. She'd called over her head.

Damien moved to the vacant safehouse with two rooms where no eyes could see him. He brought out all he needed tools from the system store and began to make the crossbows. He needed to make ten. Probably extra two.

First, he measured wood for the stock, about 38 inches long then sawed off the extra wood. He marked the trigger area, making a rectangle around four inches long, and one inch wide. He cut the rectangle out of the wood, and used sandpaper to smooth the area around the hole. Then he used a wood rasp to create a 1/8 inch groove to hold the strings, not forgetting to sandpaper. He cut the groove which holds the bolt, created the grip to hold when shooting, then protected the wood with sealer.

He stopped working for a while. Mira's words zoomed across his mind.

"Do I like Claire?"

He shook his head.

"No, I don't. I'm just playing her. I just want her to admit her emotions. I don't have a crush on her. I only like her shape and stuff."

He dumped the thoughts and got back to work, though it was hard to do when the image of her firm tits and tight pussy grew out of his memory in HD quality.

Given by the fact that he was on the third level of the capentry skill, the work which ought to take several hours cost him only few hours. The proficiency and speed of the level aided him well.

But that didn't come without a price. At the end of day, he was bathed in his own sweat.

"I stink."

He admitted, sighing deeply. He looked at the ten crossbows he'd just made. He was proud of himself.

He didn't dilly-dally, there werenstill many hours left in the day. He went to make nine posts and hung three dusters on each post at different angles.


He nodded then went to search for the girls. He found them in the sitting room playing some sort of game. The game looked interesting but he wouldn't allow himself to enjoy it. Why should they?

"Time up. Jump out now."

He walked away without getting their reaction, but he could hear them calling him names,


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