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Crash-landed On An Island With Nine Beauties novel Chapter 71

"Where are you taking me to?"

Evelyn refused to be quiet anymore. She stopped walking. The wolf who was leading her halted too and slowly turned to her.

"At first I thought you were taking me to the village of the Cannibals but this doesn't seem right. For all I know, this is not the way to the territory of the Cannibals. I need to know where you are taking me."

As soon as she finished complaining, the wolf walked to her. She wasn't scared, instead she was curious.

"What are you doing? You won't hurt me would you?"

No protection is risky. The wolf got to her, caught the end of her skimpy skirt in its jaws and began to pull her away.

"I said I don't want to --"

Then she realized that she wasn't making sense herself.

"Okay... Okay."

She tried to halt, but the wolf wouldn't let her.

"You don't have to pull or drag me, I will go willingly with you."

The wolf grunted and kept pulling her.

"Oh God, why don't I understand her language?"

Evelyn complained.

"But I thought we were friends. How could you drag your friend around?"

It was as though Evelyn was talking to a rock. The wolf kept pulling her.

Not long after, they arrived at a place where there were quite a numbers of undergrowth. Not far from that place was a large blue lake.

"Oh, my God. This is so beautiful."

Evelyn almost forgot that she didn't come there of her own accord. Noticing that she had been distracted, the wolf who had recently let go off her pulled at her skirt again and led the way through the dense shrubs.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming. Why do you nag like my mom?"

Evelyn knew that she didn't have a choice. Whether or not she agreed, the wolf wouldn't let go of her. And if she was to resort to violence i.e struggling with the wolf to let go of her skirt, she might end up naked.

They pushed through the undergrowth. The height of the undergrowth reached under Evelyn's shoulders. The rays of the sun which was fully set in the sky seemed to had been denied passages into the thick corners of the shrubs where dews from the previous night were idling.

Evelyn's blouse was made wet by the dews which seemed like the offspring of rain, drenching the sleeves.

"Where are we going?"

Poor Evelyn could only but ask. She had every reason to be scared. What if there was an adder lying around. Of course the possibility of that was high since there was a lake in sight.

What would you do if you were being dragged by a wolf through the wood to a place you have no clue about? Could you trust the wolf, even when the only person who was at good terms with the wolf was lying in an unconscious state somewhere?

Yea! Those were the questions which troubled Evelyn, but she had no idea why a strong part of her wanted to keep going.

After a while, they bursted out in an open space.

"The Cannibals' territory?"

Evelyn exclaimed. The wolf growled at her to use her brain.


She muttered, nodding to the reasonable semantic stance the wolf had just held.

She slowly and gently followed the wolf through the barren path she led her. She could see the huts scattered everywhere.

They walked into a lane where huts were lined. Evelyn couldn't help but wonder. She couldn't believe that the territory of the Cannibals was so big. Her eyes strayed to the door post of one of the huts which had three skulls hanging down it.

She gasped. The wolf didn't pay attention to her. Instead she changed the route and started to led her through the back of the huts.

Though that area looked silent, with no trace of life, yet Evelyn had her heart in her mouth. But for some reason whenever her gaze fell on the wolf she calmed herself down. It's safe to say that she was beginning to lean on the effort of the wolf.


She thought. Soon enough, they arrived at the back of a lone hut. The wolf halted.

"Are we there?"

Evelyn whispered. She was a little disappointed but happy. Disappointed that they didn't see any Cannibal on their way, and happy that if they had accosted the Cannibals she probably wouldn't be here.

The wolf walked away from her towards the side of the hut.

"Hey, hey..."

She wanted to follow but the wolf stopped and growled at her. She was quick to grab what Der meant.

"What are you doing? How could you leave me here all alone?"

She did understand what the wolf meant but she didn't quite agree. The wolf didn't respond. Instead she walked away from sight.

"What's wrong with her? What if a Cannibal creep on me?"

The nightmare which Evelyn thought she had successfully avoided seemed to be wearing on her now. She hated to admit that thought.

Suddenly, she heard some weird sound behind her. She flinched, turning to her back, but there was no one there. She clutched her fisted palms to her chest, her eyes getting ready for what they do best.

The noise she heard earlier didn't come again.

"Did they go?"

She turned around and around in fear to be sure whether or not she was missing any detail. When she turned to her front again, she saw the wolf returning to her.

Her eyes involuntarily poured out a thread of tears.


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