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Crash-landed On An Island With Nine Beauties novel Chapter 73

"The Cannibals are here."

One of the girls called at the rest who obviously didn't care anymore. Each of them were too stunned to believe that Damien stopped breathing. It was really strange.

There was Mira who was still hugging Damien's body. Evelyn seemed to had finally come to terms with her mind. Though she was yet to confide in tears.

Her eyes were crimson and her body building a strong heat. Tendzel dropped to her knees. None of the girls seemed to care that the Cannibals had pushed the other door open.

Allison jumped on her feet when she noticed that the Cannibals were muttering amongst themselves, obviously saying things the girls couldn't hear.

"Let's stand our ground! We are taking Damien with us."

Allison staked a claim and one after the other, the girls started forming a line at the front, making a sort of barrier for the Cannibals.

The Cannibals obviously didn't seem impressed. They kept advancing.

"Do you think this is a good idea?"

Jada asked. Allison nor neither of the girls was ready to answer that question.

"You can't take him from us. We want to take him with us."

Allison yelled at the Cannibals who eventually got to them, making a file before the girls.

The girls could watch one of the Cannibals turn to the others and say something they couldn't understand.

"What are they talking about?"

Tendzel asked.

"I wish I could tell you."

Allison didn't cut the eye contact. Do not ask the girls? Did they have the revolt planned? Did they have their ways around this? Would they be able to restrain the Cannibals? They had no answers to those expensive questions yet. They couldn't afford to give answers.

At that moment, their wills and desires were quicker in judgement than their wits. They probably weren't in their right minds.

As soon as the the Cannibal who had conversed with the rest looked back to his front, the rest of the Cannibals started advancing towards the girls.

"What the fuck are they doing? What are they doing?"

No one of the girls was willing to check out the owner of those words. It wasn't relevant. Not at that moment.

"Brace yourselves."

Allison called at the girls.

"With what?"

One of the girls muttered. Wasn't that the reasonable question to ask?

The Cannibals getting to them, pushed their frames forward, taking a sort of stoop-stance, put their arms around the thighs off the girls and lifted the girls, hurling them on their hard shoulders.

"Put me down. Put me down!!!"

Allison's thick body was no match for the burly and super strong elder Cannibal who was bearing her.

"Let me go!!!"

Ayisha fought with one the Cannibals who wanted to pull her away from Damien. Herself and Mira didn't leave Damien's side.

Ayisha pushed her knees forward and kicked the Cannibal in the balls, but the wild man, forged in terror and pain, didn't even bat an eye let alone wrench in pain.

He pulled Ayisha away and hurled her over his shoulders like the rest. Ayisha hit the Cannibal's face and several other places she could think of, but it seemed like she was hitting a rock. Her hands hurt.

Mira on the other hand wasn't the fighting type, on the other hand, she let herself to be willingly pulled away.

With all the girls on the shoulders of the Cannibals, the Cannibals all turned towards the exit door.

Few Cannibals ran past the girls and dropped on their knees around Damien, bowing over and over and again. Probably apologizing that they let intruders in. That they couldn't do their duties properly as promised.

"Let us go you monsters!!!"

The girls kicked and fought in vain.

"Put me down. Let me go to Damien."

Evelyn bit into the neck of the Cannibal carrying her, the unwashed flesh and horrible stench stuck in her teeth and filled her nostrils respectively.

The Cannibal hurled her over his shoulder, dropping on his knees in pain.


Evelyn groaned in pain.


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