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Cruel Destiny novel Chapter 15

Natasha POV

I cleared my throat and gave him a small smile and said "Hello I am Natasha."

"Nice to meet you, Natasha. Please take a seat." He said with a beautiful smile.

I took a seat in front of him and looked down at my joined hands.

I was very anxious about this as I didn't know if he was going to judge me or not.

"So I have checked your blood pressure and your weight. You are underweight according to a 4-month pregnant woman. Your BP is high and it's not normal. You have to stop drinking coffee." He said the last sentence with a chuckle.

I lowered my eyes and I could feel the heat spreading on my cheeks. His mother must have told him about coffee.

"I'll stop drinking coffee," I told him softly.

He closed the file and looked at me then asked "Why didn't you visit a gynecologist when you got to know that you are pregnant."

I licked my lips and said, "I didn't know that we have to visit a doctor."

"It's okay. But after today you have to visit monthly for a check-up. So that we can monitor your pregnancy." He said with a serious look.

I nodded my head and asked, "My baby is alright right?"

"For that, we have to do an ultrasound. Come on" He said and stood up from his chair.

I stood up too and laid down on the bed as he told me. He then told me to lower my pants and tuck my top underneath my breast.

I did what he had told me. He squirted some type of gel on my stomach and I flinched due to its coldness.

"Sorry," he said with a smile.

I just shook my head and said "It's ok"

He then picked up the ultrasound wand and started to move it around my lower stomach.

He was constantly looking at the screen. I turned my gaze too but got confused as I couldn't see anything.

"There is your baby," he said and pointed toward a little body type thing.

"There is the head and two hands and legs." He pointed toward the screen

And this time I could see the baby's head and it's hands and legs. It is so small and tiny.

Tears fell from my eyes after looking at the proof that I am indeed pregnant and there is a baby inside me.

"Here is the heartbeat" As soon as Dr. Allen completed his sentence, I could hear a fast heartbeat.

"The baby's heartbeat is okay. But we have to wait for a month to know its gender." He said with a nod.

"Okay," I said and sniffled.

He gave me some tissues and I wiped the gel from my stomach and adjusted my clothes.

Then we again sat on our respective chairs. He started to write something on the file.

He looked up at me from the file and stared at it for a few seconds then shook his head.

I looked at him with a confused face but didn't say anything. He gave me a prescription along with my file.

"You have to take this prenatal vitamin for the rest of your pregnancy along with these medicines." He said and pressed his lips.

"Now, you have to visit next month for the checkup. And in that checkup, we will check the gender of the baby." He continued

I nodded and said "Thank you. It was nice to meet you."

I stood up and he nodded and said "We will meet soon as my mother won't stop telling me about you, Natasha."

I gave him a smile and walked out of the cabin. I looked at my mobile and saw that it's 8 pm.

I sighed and went out of the clinic. I started to walk toward the bus station.

I rubbed my stomach which was growling. I have to eat more as Dr. Allen has told me that I am underweight.

But if I eat more then how will I save money for my money. It looks like I have to find another job after the delivery of the baby.

I sat inside the bus and reached my home after half an hour. I walked inside my apartment and locked the door.

I moved straight to the kitchen and started to prepare my dinner.


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