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Cruel Destiny novel Chapter 23

A woman can forgive the person who had wronged her but a mother won't.

Natasha POV

He stared at me with those dark eyes which were empty. There was not a single emotion in it.

I shivered in cold and fear when his dark eyes watched me. I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

"What happened Nat? Are you okay?" He mocked me.

I gaped at him and then I forced myself to ignore his tone.

"Li..am he.. he r..a..p.e.." before I could finish my sentence he cut me off.

"Pathetic girls like you are meant to be fucked by those men, why are you complaining anyways? I fucked you, he fucked you just the size would be different, I am sure you enjoyed it as much as you enjoyed my dick" he said smirking looking at my broken form.

" How can you say this? " I shouted at him with tears flowing down my eyes.

" Oh shut up you orphan bitch, don't fucking ever raise your voice at me and after this lesson, if you want more, I have many other men like him," he said laughing at me

"You. You are the one behind it." I questioned him in a whisper.

He laughed loudly and bent down to my level and clutched my chin in his thumb and index finger.

"Oh, honey. You are so slow. No wonder you never got to know about my plan before." He chuckled.

I grabbed his hand and pushed it from me, suddenly feeling more disgusting than ever.

I can't believe that I gave my heart to someone like him. He doesn't deserve any love from me and my child.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him with teary eyes.

He hummed for a few seconds and acted like he was thinking of an explanation behind his vile action.

He then cocked his head to the side and smirked "Maybe because you had complained about me to the police."

My eyes widened and I gasped when I heard his reason. How could he do something like this with me just because of a petty issue?

"What did you think that I won't get to know about this?" He questioned.

Then he grabbed the back of my neck and yanked it toward him and sneered "I am Liam Knights. Nothing hides from me."

He then left me with a jerk and stood up. He was about to leave when I asked the question which had been running on my mind.

"What was my mistake? Have I done something wrong other than loving you?" I asked him.

He turned back and looked at me. I didn't stop there and questioned.

"I loved you with my heart. But never in my nightmare, I thought that you would get me raped."

With trembling lips, I continued "You knew about my fear. You knew that I hated being forced. Still, you did that with me. You let someone else rape me."

I put my hand protectively on my belly and said "I am pregnant and still you did that. What if it was your sister in my place."

I felt a hard slap on my face as soon as those words left my lips. My head banged toward the wall due to its force.

I placed my hand on my cheek and turned to look at him. His eyes were red and filled with hate.

He fisted my hair in his hand making me whimper. He leaned his head toward me and jerked my face toward him.

"My sister is not a slut like you. You are a whore who spread her legs for everyone. As soon as I left you, you found someone else's dick to satisfy you." He sneered.

Then he chuckled and with a revolted expression, said "Don't you dare compare my sister with something like you."

He left my hair and seethed "You are nothing but filth. You have no class. You are a bastard and you always will be."

His every single word was breaking my pride, my heart, my self-esteem, and me.

"The last warning to you. Don't you dare complain about me to anyone else or I swear to god, I will kill you along with your bastard baby" He stated with a hard voice.

I found myself nodding because I knew that he was serious. That he could kill me and my baby.

He then glanced at the man who had raped me and asked "Was she any good?"

And at that moment, I wanted to die. I hated when that person glanced at me with those lusty pair of orbs.

I rubbed my stomach when I felt a jolt of pain again. I just wanted them to go so that I could go home too.

Tears were continuously flowing from my eyes. They were not stopping for even a single second.

"She was tight." The person answered him.

A sob left my mouth before I could stop it. He ruined me. He broke me.

"One last thing Nat, stay away from that fucker, or I will make him beg on the streets." He spoke angrily.

"You will be a good girl right?" He asked me with an arched eyebrow.

I nodded my head quickly because I wanted him gone. He snorted then raked his fingers on his wet hair and walked toward his car.


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