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Cruel Destiny novel Chapter 29


Natasha POV

Have you ever felt like God hates you so much that he wanted you to suffer?

I am feeling like this right now. It's like every door is closed for me and I have nowhere to go.

Last night after Liam's father's visit, I didn't know that the next morning would be torture for me.

I went to the restaurant as always but this time something felt wrong.

My stomach clenched in nervousness but still, I went inside and saw the owner and his wife arguing.

I stepped toward them and asked "What happened? Is everything alright?"

For the first time, I have seen hate and anger in Mr. Cameron's wife (Owner's wife).

I was taken aback when I saw it. She has always been good to me. So what happened now?

She just clenched her jaw and turned toward her husband and said "Do it otherwise we will be homeless."

She then glared at me and said "You are fired."

My jaw was on the floor when I heard those from her mouth. She has just fired me but why?

"But why?" I asked her bewildered

"It's nothing, Natasha. You go inside. No one is firing you." Mr. Cameron said

"No" His wife shouted "You are not thinking clearly. Just fired her or I will leave you."

"Would you mind telling me what happened?" I asked them wearily

"Mr. Knights called and told us to fire you or else he would take over our restaurant." His wife sighed.

I was shocked because I didn't know that Liam would do something like that.

I thought that maybe he would leave me alone after that night if I fulfilled his wishes.

But no he still isn't leaving me. I looked at Mr. Cameron's face. He was looking tense and I caught the glimpse of fear in it.

He had done a lot for me. He had sheltered me in his home when I was homeless and was on the roads.

He is very old and this restaurant is the only source of his and his family's income.

Even though it's mine too but maybe I can find another job. I have to repay their gratitude.

"Ok. I'll leave. Tell Mr. Knights that I won't come here again." I whispered in a heavy voice

I turned my back and took a step toward the door when I heard Mr. Cameron's voice.

"You are not leaving Natasha. It's the only job you have."

I wiped the lone tear which fell from my eyes and turned back to face them.

I gave them a small smile and said "I know but I'll be alright. I don't want to be selfish here. You have done a lot for me. It's time for me to pay you back."

"But how will you manage as you are pregnant?" He questioned me with concern.

I opened my mouth but I was cut off by his wife "the father of her child will take care of them."

I wanted to laugh as well as cry after hearing her words. Liam would take care of me and my baby?

He won't do shit. He just knows how to mess with someone's life.

I really don't know what happened to her. The reason behind her behavior is a mystery to me

She has changed a lot. She was not like this. She had been polite with me but that stopped when I got pregnant.

Maybe she thinks that I had become a whore. Or worse. I just shrugged and said, "I'll take care of myself."

I turned back and walked outside. I took a deep breath and shuddered when the cold breeze hit me.

I only had this job but not anymore. I sat on the bench in the park and stared at the children who were enjoying the snow.

The snow has been falling since morning making the surroundings colder than before.

I have never thought that I would see this day. I looked above at the sky and sighed when a snowflake fell on my red cheek.

Had it been some other time, I would probably be enjoying it as I love snowfall.

But now I can't. I am now jobless and I have to find a job quickly or it will be very bad.

I wish I could call Kelly and share with her my problems. But I just can't.

Why are you doing this with me, Liam? Why?




1 month later [8 months Pregnant]

My stomach has been grumbling but I tried to ignore it.

I went toward the kitchen in the hope to find something to eat. Like I have been doing for the three days.

But there was nothing. I wiped my tears of hunger. I haven't eaten anything for the last three days.

I have no money to buy anything. I had paid the rent of the apartment out of my savings.

And now I haven't had a single penny to buy anything to eat.


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