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Crystal’s One Night of Love novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Thank Me for What? For Kissing You

Henry bent down

He didn’t kiss Crystal right away. Instead, he cupped her face, letting his slightly coarse fingers graze against her tender cheeks. Then, he grasped her hair and caressed it with an appropriate strength

Suggestive moves like this were the most torturous.” 

Crystal never experienced any of this, so she couldn’t help but whimper, Henry!” 

You’re not calling me Mr. Miller anymore?” 

His trim nose was flush against hers as the two leaned into each other. Even their breaths were mingled together

Henry could kiss her anytime

Crystal gripped the fabric of his shirt as her heart thumped wildly. She wanted to close her eyes 

However, Henry didn’t allow that. He tugged her long hair lightly and ordered in a low and hoarse voice, Crystal, keep your eyes open for our kiss.” 

It was his first time calling her by her name. For some reason, Crystal was extremely enticed

She opened her eyes, her red lips trembling as they slowly pressed against his

Henry suddenly held her tightly

They were in the ward and they both were feeling things for each other. An originally light kiss was about to turn into something more

Henry was losing his control as he asked in a low voice, Crystal, are you sure?” 

Crystal had her wits about her for a short moment.. 

She instinctively wanted to push him away, but when she remembered how much of a clown she had been for sacrificing so much in her past relationship, she felt that there wasn’t any point in keeping herself pure anymore. At that thought, Crystal offered her lips of her own accord

In her daze, she actually felt the exhilaration of exacting revenge

Henry ended the kiss

His pride didn’t allow him to continue. He let go of Crystal and leaned to the side, smoothing out his wrinkled shirt. Then, he narrowed his eyes at her sensual expression and commented calmly, Miss Winters, you’re injured. You should slow down.” 

Crystal completely recovered her senses then, and she felt both awkward and ashamed

Henry didn’t let the awkwardness reign for long. He took out a snowwhite cigarette and played with it between his fingers

A moment later, he suddenly spoke up. You must be wondering why I didn’t stop Melora from getting 


Chapter 24 Thank Me for What? For Kissing You

engaged with someone like Robert.” 

Crystal waited for Henry to continue

+25 Bonus 

He broke the cigarette in half and said, a little annoyed, Six months ago, Melora attempted to end her life just to be with Robert.” 

Crystal was stunned upon hearing that. She never knew about this

When she met Henry’s gaze again, her voice was trembling as she murmured, Mr. Miller, I get it now. I promise that I won’t affect Miss Miller in any way. Treat this as my way of repaying you for your good deed.” 

Henry didn’t say anything

Truth was, he was quite speechless

It was obviously an explanation, but Crystal had understood it another way. However, with Henry’s personality, he refused to elaborate on it. He just gave her a meaningful look and muttered, How did you get to be a teacher with brains like that? No wonder you got duped by men.” 

With that, he left right away

Crystal was stunned for a while

She took her phone, intending to transfer some more spare money from her bank account, but she was stunned as soon as she saw her phone

Henry not only left her 2600 intact, he even transferred another 15,000 to her

As Crystal looked at Henry’s name registered on her phone, an unspeakable feeling welled in her heart. Except for Melora between them, he actually treated her quite well despite his vicious tongue

She thought about it for a moment, then sent a WhatsApp message anyway

Thank you, Mr. Miller.‘ 

Henry had just gotten into his car when he received the message from Crystal. He also noticed that she didn’t accept the fund transfer

He thought for a moment, then sent her a few messages at once


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