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Crystal’s One Night of Love novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Forced Into a Dead End 

Seeing Crystal frozen in place, Anna, with her face drained of blood, urgently repeated, Your father tried to end his life inside! He has been saved, but he is not doing well! I’m begging you, Crystal. You have to find a way to let me see him! He has always had poor health. This is too big a blow for him!” 

Anna swiftly covered her face and cried her heart out

Crystal’s heart was in turmoil. She didn’t want to believe that her father, who was as strong as a mountain, would try to end his life. He was fine when I saw him the other day! She immediately called Jake, begging him to arrange for them to meet John

Jake had also received news about John’s attempt. In fact, he was just about to discuss it with Crystal after he invited her over to the law firm

Crystal kept comforting Anna. Soon, the two of them went to the law firm without even having breakfast

Jake had a solemn expression when he made a few calls in front of Crystal and Anna. He eventually put down his phone while he shook his head and told them, He is fine now, but he can’t be released on bail. He has to be treated in jail.” 

Because of Seth, Jake tactfully added, Crystal, your father’s case involves the Sloan Group. How about youtalk to Mr. Sloan and see if there’s anything else he can do?” 

Mr. SloanRobert Sloan! Crystal closed her eyes painfully. I should have guessed that it was his doing! He has done so many outrageous things just to force me to go back to him. But how can I do that? I’ll be giving Dad a heart attack if he knows that I became someone’s mistress by the time he gets out of jail

However, she refused to not do anything about it. What will happen to Dad and Aunt Anna? Will our family really be ruined

She numbly sat there as thoughts filled her head

Jake’s heart broke when he saw her state. He took a glass of warm water for her and suggested in a soft voice, How about you talk to Henry about this? I heard from Seth that you and Henry have gotten very close.” 

Crystal felt like a needle was poking at her heart upon hearing those words

It was a pain that spread everywhere

Jake had been there before. He continued to speak in a reassuring voice, Henry is not as unfriendly as you may think he is. He was even here a few days ago to take-” 

He suddenly stopped when he remembered what Henry told him

She would be disappointed if Henry changed his mind

Crystal nodded after hearing his advice

With her phone in her hand, she walked out and began to hesitate whether she should call Henry. But I rejected him just last night. Will he listen to me if I call him now

She had no confidence things would work out

But for her father’s sake, she still summoned up the courage to call himonly for the call to not go 


Chapter 35 Forced Into a Dead End 

through. Henry had turned off his phone

+5 Bonus 

Crystal couldn’t help feeling somewhat hopeless. I can’t face Aunt Anna. WaitWhere did Aunt Anna go

Crystal thought Anna had gone to the bathroom, but she couldn’t find the older woman even after she looked around

Starting to feel uneasy, she called Anna’s phone. Pick up the phonePlease pick up the phoneshe muttered

The call did go through, but no one picked up the phone

Suddenly remembering something, Crystal dashed into the elevator and repeatedly pressed a button in the elevator. She was shaking all over as she stood in that enclosed space

Aunt AnnaPlease don’t do something you will regret

Please don’t… 

Still, she was one step too late. The president’s office of the Sloan Group was already a mess by the time she arrived


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