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Crystal’s One Night of Love novel Chapter 355

Chapter 355 A Night Of Jealousy And Passion 

Crystal was stunned. 

Smiling, George said, “The world is unpredictable. Nobody knows what tomorrow may hold, so why not. live freely?” 

She knew he was a profound person, and she nodded earnestly. 

Taking a keen interest in Remi, George patted the boy’s head for some time. Unlike his parents, this child will live a life full of blessings and wisdom. 

While on the drive home, Henry glanced at his wife through the rearview mirror. Remi sat in the child’s car seat while she patiently showed him a picture book. Despite not fully understanding the story, the little boy laughed so happily that one could see his small, pearly white teeth. He looked very adorable. 

Upon reaching the next intersection, Henry checked the time and saw it was almost time to pick up Skyler. “Shall we eat at a restaurant after picking up Skyler?” 

They had been getting along well recently, so she did not want to be a wet blanket. She hummed in acknowledgment and said softly, “Let’s bring Christopher along too. I heard from Skyler that things have been quite bad at Christopher’s house, and that’s not good for a child’s development.” 

He looked at her in the rearview mirror with a smile. “If you’re really worried, why don’t we let him stay with us? Skyler will also have someone to play with.” 

She was rather taken aback by his response. 

“I can see that you’re quite fond of him,” he added as he turned the steering wheel. 

She neither agreed to nor rejected his suggestion. For something like this, not only does Christopher have to be willing, but we also have to see what his mother thinks. We can’t possibly snatch someone else’s son away just like that! 

Upon arriving at kindergarten, they were surprised to see a woman in her early thirties holding Christopher’s hand. The woman was apparently his aunt. 

Since the Millers and the Zieglers shared a unique relationship, Henry and Crystal got out of the car and went to speak to her. 

Christopher’s aunt had tears in her eyes as she said in a low voice, “His mother couldn’t take it anymore and jumped to her death. Her body is now at a funeral home. Thank you for the care you’ve shown Christopher these past two years. I’ll be taking him to live in Quadfield from now on. It may be a small city, but it’s quite a nice place.” 

After that, she told Christopher to bid them farewell. Having to bear the pain of losing his mother, the boy inevitably looked dispirited as he said, “Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Miller.”- 

Unable to bear saying goodbye, Skyler took his hand and looked up at her father. Crystal also turned to Henry silently. 

Henry crouched down, stroked Christopher’s head, and said in a gentle tone, “Mrs. Miller was just talking about having you live with us. Would you like that? You’ll have Skyler and Remi there, and there may be more younger brothers or sisters in the future. It’ll be very lively.” 

Christopher’s aunt looked shocked. It had never crossed her mind that Henry and Crystal would be willing to take Christopher in. 



Although she was reluctant to part with him, she knew deep down that with her capabilities, she could only ensure Christopher was fed and clothed. Anything more than that was too far of a stretch. However, the Miller family will be able to provide him with a top-notch education and the best start in life. 

Nonetheless, she remained quiet, allowing the boy to make his own decision. 

Christopher looked at Henry, then at Crystal. After a long pause, he finally asked quietly, “Will you get 


Henry patted his head and replied calmly. “I’ll sleep on the couch with you and Remi if Mrs. Miller gets angry, but let’s not make it a habit of stirring her anger, okay?” 

In a choked voice, Christopher agreeil. 

His aunt also started crying and kept saying, “You’re such a good person, Mr. Miller!” 

Henry gave a faint smile. I’m not a good person. It’s just because Crystal and Skyler are fond of Christopher. 

Since Christopher would be living with Henry, the latter helped to take care of the subsequent procedures. After settling everything, Christopher received assets worth over one hundred million. Henry assisted him with setting up a trust fund and took him home. 

As for Christopher’s father, he dared not utter a single word of protest. 

Christopher’s room at the mansion was still being prepared, so Skyler brought him to her room. She hugged him to sleep for the next few days as though he was a precious doll. 

When Christopher had gotten used to living with them, they all went out for a meal. 

Now that there were three children in the family and considering that they might have another in the future, Henry had gotten a bigger car instead so the little ones could sit comfortably. 

Crystal thought it would be fun if they went for hotpot. However, due to safety concerns, Henry suggested as he drove, “Let’s go to that Ferropenian restaurant you like. You haven’t been there in a while.” 

She knew what he was thinking. He just wants to see me play the piano, doesn’t he? 

Lowering her voice, she asked, “Wouldn’t it be better to save that for when we’re out alone?” 

“Mrs. Miller, if I were to wait until we went on a date, I’d probably have to wait until the next Valentine’s Day,” he retorted. Then, mimicking her, he lowered his voice and added, “I can’t wait any longer.” 

In the end, they went to the Ferropenian restaurant. It was quite crowded since it was the weekend. 

Skyler walked with Christopher while Henry carried Remi. Crystal, who had her hands free, called for a waiter to ask for a good table in the restaurant and ordered some dishes. 

She looked up just as Henry was shrugging off his coat and could not help thinking how handsome and well-dressed he was. Wearing a light gray sweater, he looked young and dashing. 

“We may often have to bring the kids out on our dates in the future, so you should get used to it,” he whispered. 

Gazing at him, she suddenly felt he was rather pitiful. He lost his memory for five years and went from being a bachelor to a father of three. It’d be best if I don’t get pregnant again. 



Although Crystal had given birth to two children, she had taken good care of herself. With her exquisite side profile and long, flowing dress, she looked no more than twenty-six years old when she sat down to play the piano. 

She played only three songs and was about to return to her seat when she suddenly caught sight of someone she knew out of the corner of her eye. It was Sylvester Sloan. 

The young man was sitting alone at the best table in the restaurant. He had ordered the most expensive red wine the restaurant had to offer, and in a small vase on the table was a single white rose. It appeared that was something he had specially requested. 

Under the light’s illumination, his side profile bore a striking resemblance to Robert. More specifically, a young Robert. 

She halted her footsteps and smiled at him. “Are you dining alone?” 

Sylvester rose to his feet and invited her to take a seat. 

She did not mind chatting with him for a while, so she asked the waiter for a glass of water, 

Fixing his gaze on her, he said, “I heard an older relative speak of you a long time ago.” 

His remark took her by surprise. She was about to enquire further, but realization swiftly dawned on her. Sylvester Sloan… Robert Sloan… The older relative he’s talking about is Robert! 

Crystal was at a loss for words as she had never thought the two men would turn out to be related by blood. No wonder they both had the same surnames and looked alike. A tinge of sadness crept over her. 

Meanwhile, Sylvester gazed at her quietly. He did not tell her that after his uncle had mentioned her while talking about the past, he had been curious and came to the restaurant to watch her play the piano. The first time I saw her, I understood why my uncle couldn’t forget her. I came by many times after that, but not once did she ever take notice of me. 

Later, he joined the entertainment industry and acted in her movie. The twenty-four-year-old harbored an inexpressible adoration for her. 

She only sat with him briefly before returning to her table, looking pale. 

It did not escape Henry’s notice. He pushed a dessert toward her and asked rather gently, “What did two talk about? You seemed to be having quite a good chat.” 

She ate it slowly. After a while, she finally said, “Sylvester is Robert’s nephew.” 


Even Henry was surprised. As a man, he was acutely aware of Sylvester’s feelings toward Crystal. However, when he thought about Sylvester’s age, he felt he should be more magnanimous. That guy is only twenty- four and still a young lad, so there’s nothing to worry about. 

Despite that, he was still jealous. 

Sylvester followed them out when they left the restaurant. He opened the car door for Crystal and said, “Goodnight, Miss Winters.” 

While she was only in her early thirties, she felt as though she was his elder when she looked at him. She smiled and replied, “Goodnight.” 

It irked Henry to hear her say that, but since the children were with them in the car, he was unable to blow 



up at her and could only hold in his anger. 

Once they were back at the mansion, he put the kids to bed before going to the bedroom. By then, she had already showered and was doing her skincare routine. 

He closed the door softly, embraced her from behind, and tossed her gently onto the bed. She wanted to turn to look at him, but he would not let her and had his way with her in that position. 

She bit her lip to suppress her moans. Her feelings for Henry were not what they were, but neither did she feel nothing for him. 

After a long time, he was finally willing to cradle her face, kissing her face and licking her tears dry. She lifted a hand and caressed his handsome face. 

Time had tempered his features, and he exuded an air of maturity. There was no saying how many people he would captivate when he went out. 

When she told him that, he leaned in and nipped her ear to teach her a lesson. “Who’s the one that’s going around captivating others? From twenty-year-olds to those in their forties… You sure are astonishingly charming, Mrs. Miller.” 

That left her both exasperated and amused. 

She closed her eyes and lost herself in the pleasure. After a while, she responded softly, “Isn’t this just because of Sylvester? He’s a generation apart, so what’s there for you to be bothered about?” 

“He’s only seven years younger than you! Many couples with more than a ten-year age gap still end up married!” 

Crystal wrapped her arms around his shoulders and murmured with her eyes shut, “You only mind because of his appearance. After we wrap up filming for the movie, I won’t interact much with him anymore. I’m not like you, Henry. I’m not as stubbornly devoted.” 

Henry continued making love to her silently for some time. 

He forced her to open her eyes, but she refused. Nonetheless, he had a few tricks up his sleeve, and in the end, she had no choice but to open her eyes slowly. Her eyes sparkling with tears was an incredibly alluring sight. 

Holding her close, he kissed her tenderly and uttered in a mesmerizing voice, “Crystal, all that is meaningless to me now. My future is all about you and our children. Let’s not quarrel because of other irrelevant people anymore, okay?” 

As for whether she loves me passionately or not, I’ll have to learn to accept it. Now that I’m compromising, there’s no way she wouldn’t feel anything. 

“Then, were you jealous tonight?” she asked, raising her head to look at him. 

“Yes. Very. Exceptionally… jealous!” He planted a kiss on the corners of her mouth after every word, and when he finished his sentence, he kissed her deeply and resumed their lovemaking. 

When it was over, he lifted her in his arms and headed toward the closet. 

Thinking that he was not yet satiated, she grabbed his arm and said softly, “Let’s wait until tomorrow. I’m really exhausted already.” 



Henry lowered his head and kissed her, then carried her to the safety deposit box. While hugging her from behind, he keyed in the password to open the safety deposit box and reveal the locket at the top. 

Taking it, he placed it in the palm of her hand. 

She turned to look at him in surprise and asked, “What’s the meaning of this?” 

He embraced her tightly. A long time passed before he whispered in her ear, “I can’t say I don’t mind in the slightest. However, the abbot said this can grant you safety. From now on, carry it with you at all times. That was also his final wish.” 

She dropped her gaze. “You trust me, right?” 

He hummed softly in response, then held her hand. “Carry it with you when you go out.” 


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