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Cuando Sus Ojos Abrieron Por Simple Silence novel Chapter 1915

Chapter 1915

Yonroeville airport.

Half an hour had passed after Elliot and Katalina finished talking on the phone.

Katalina expressed on the phone that she wanted to help Layla adjust her learning attitude, and hoped to get their support.

As parents, of course, they hope that their children can have a positive learning attitude, so the two of them agreed to Katalina’s

After the call, Katalina told them about her relationship with Norah Jones. And truthfully explained that she and Norah Jones
were not familiar with each other.

After Elliot heard the news, he seemed to be petrified by someone’s acupuncture point, so Avery brought the phone over to
Katalina and said it was okay.

Avery said to Elliot, “Isn’t there surveillance everywhere in the school? She said that she could use her breaks to help Layla with
tutoring and ideological work, and then it would be good for the bodyguards to watch. I heard her tone is very sincere. And even
if she is Norah Jones’s cousin and has a good relationship with Norah Jones, she won’t necessarily do anything bad to our
daughter, right? You can hand over the Tate Industries to Norah Jones, and take your daughter to Norah Jones’s sister, now?”

Elliot: “…”

He seemed to hear the unhappiness in her tone.

Elliot: “Work is work, daughter is daughter, how can the two be confused?”

‘The Tate Industries is also like my child.” Avery felt that the two could be confused.
Elliot: “Then I’ll give it back to you?”

Avery: “Didn’t you already give it to Norah Jones?”

“I signed a gambling agreement with her. To be precise, she has not signed the agreement yet and is still considering it. Because
I set her an almost impossible goal. Even if the Tate Industries is not yours, it is mine. How could I easily give it to outsiders?”
Elliot expressed his attitude, “Don’t listen to other people’s rumors, Don’t watch the news and talk nonsense.”

Avery glanced at him.

Elliot pensó que Avery estaba conmovida y tenía algo que decirse a sí misma, pero Avery bostezó inesperadamente.
“¡Ve al hotel primero! Tengo mucho sueño.” Después de que Avery terminó de hablar, salió del aeropuerto.

Pero esta vez, debido a que Elliot estaba sentado a su lado, se sentía incómoda en todas partes y no podía dormir.
El grupo llegó a un hotel de cinco estrellas en el centro de la ciudad y se registró.

Avery levantó las cejas: “¿Es más seguro vivir contigo? ¿Crees que eres mejor que mi guardaespaldas? Si te quedas, también podría
vivir con mi guardaespaldas.

El jefe piensa mucho en él y quiere vivir con él. Estoy realmente feliz.
El rostro de Elliot estaba sombrío y miró a su guardaespaldas.
La alegría en el rostro del guardaespaldas desapareció repentinamente sin dejar rastro.

“Vivimos en la suite presidencial”. Elliot apartó la mirada y volvió a mirar a Avery: “Es más conveniente
hacer videos para los niños todos los días. Tú eliges en qué habitación vives primero, y tú decides en qué habitación vivo yo


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