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Daddy, don't flirt novel Chapter 110

Dan William frowns as he looks at the sleeping face of Jozo. If something bad happens to her, he will feel guilt all his life.

After covering the quilt for Jozo well, Dan William looks at her for a while, and then he is ready to leave.

But Jozo wakes up suddenly, or maybe she doesn’t fall asleep at all. He looks at Dan William in a plead way. She holds Dan William’s hand and says, “Can you stay with me? I’m afraid...”

"OK, I will stay here." Dan William answers. His eyes become dim under the light, and his long and straight body seems to be lonely, which is unspeakable.

Jozo finally smiles contentedly and she still holds Dan William’s hand, and then she fall asleep.

Dan William looks out of the window. The moon is thick. At this time, she should have fall sleep. There are Cindy Swift and bodyguards in the manor. There won't be any problem.

When Jozo falls asleep, she lets Dan William’s hand go. But Dan William doesn’t leave. Since he promises that he will not leave, he will do it.

He walks out of the room, and then he takes a shower in another room, thus he doesn’t hear the ring of his phone.

In the midnight, Jamie Moore goes to upstairs and she is ready to sleep. Then she walks to the room of Ian Moore and she opens the door. She sees the small body of Ian Moore by the moonlight.

Jamie Moore feels soft in her heart. Recently, it seems that she has ignored him. Thus she walks in gently. She walks to the bed, and covers the quilt for him well. But when she touches the face of Ian Moore, she suddenly feels that the temperature of Ian Moore’s face is very high.

How could the temperature of his body be so high?

Jamie Moore turns the light on immediately with the remote control, and the she finds the face of Ian Moore is very red. And his hair is wet. He frowns, and it seems that he is very uncomfortable.

Jamie Moore feels pain in her heart, but she dares not to wake Ian Moore up, thus she touches the temperature of Ian Moore.

It’s so hot!

The temperature is very high, and Jamie Moore is worried about this. Thus she withdraws her hand suddenly.

She stands up and runs to the outside. She goes to downstairs to find Cindy Swift. She says in a trembling and choking way, “Cindy Swift, please help me call a doctor. Ian Moore has a fever!"

It’s the first time for Jamie Moore to call the name of Ian Moore in the outsiders. She is used to call Ian Moore baby or Bunny.

The face of Cindy Swift also changes suddenly, and then she comforts Jamie Moore, “Miss Jamie, I will call Dr. Slater now. If he is here, the little younger master will be fine."

Jamie Moore nods. The whole body of her is shivering for fear. But she tries all her efforts to calm herself down.

Cindy Swift gives a phone to Dr. Slater, but other people tell her that Dr. Slater is not in the manor, and now Dr. Slater stay in the another villa of the manor, and he need to take care of another people there. But she doesn’t know who that person.

Hearing that Dr. Slater stays with Dan William, she calls Dan William immediately.

But Dan William doesn’t answer the phone. It seems that Jamie Moore’s heart is caught by a big hand. When she reminds the red and painful face of Ian Moore, Jamie Moore feels that the whole world of her collapsed.

But she needs to calm down, and she needs to calm down...

Finally, the phone is connected, thus Jamie Moore’s eyes lights up. Then she hears a sweet voice, “Hello? Who is that speaking, please?”

The eyesight of Jamie Moore becomes dark suddenly, and then she looks at the screen. It’s Dan William’s phone, but the man who answered the phone is a woman.


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