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Daddy, don't flirt novel Chapter 171

Originally, she wants to say that Dan William acts in collusion with each other. But Dan William looks at her in a sharp way. If she says in that way, she is not able to leave there.

What’s more, he even helps others to bully Jamie Moore. Even though Wendy is blind, she knows that Jozo is not a good woman. What's the matter with Dan William? How could he let Jamie Moore be sad for such a woman!

Wendy feels unworthy for Jamie Moore. Even if he is the brother of Duke Field, he could not bully Jamie Moore like this!

When Wendy and Jamie Moore leave, Jozo leans on the wheelchair. She looks at Dan William in a say way, “Dan William, I know Miss Moore doesn’t love me, but how could they treat her in such a way...”

Dan William doesn’t hear the words of Jozo. All in her mind is the sadness expression of Jamie Moore.

In fact, he is angry about the word she says today. Thus he treats her so bad.

He wants to tell her that she is not the right man for him, thus he treats her so sad. If she doesn’t want to marry her, he can marry with other woman. But when he sees the sadness face of Jamie Moore, he feels pain in his heart.

To punish her is to punish him.

In the end, he will suffer pain by himself.

He signs, and he is helpless. He is destined to be stayed with this little woman.

"Dan, Dan?" Jozo says for a while, but she doesn’t hear the answer from Dan William. Thus she looks up, and then she finds Dan William is in a trance!

Jozo looks at him in a surprised way. It’s the first time that she sees him in such a way. She feels uncomfortable suddenly. Maybe this is because that she doesn’t know why he is in a trance. And he even forgets she is still here.

Is he in a trance for someone?

"I'll take you to have lunch." Dan William withdraws his mind and says lightly.

"Well." Jozo nods gently, and she feels more uncomfortable than before.

She doesn't say that she wants to have lunch. What happened to Dan William?

Jamie Moore and Wendy come to the restaurant on the third floor of the commercial building. They sit beside the window, and then they order the meal. They laugh loudly when the waiter leaves. It looks that they are two madwomen.

"Haha, do you see her expression just now? She is speechless like eating a rake." Wendy puts the water cup in her hand on the table forcefully. She couldn't help laughing when she reminds the expression of Jozo.

So she hates the women who are different from each other in this life. Isn't she tire to live in such a way?

“She has a strong background, and we are just two unimportant people. How could we compare with other people?” Jamie Moore looks at the menu in front of her, and then she says.


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