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Daddy, don't flirt novel Chapter 438

Wendy felt very tired this day. Her company was developing a new project these days, all the staff was very busy. She also needed to work overtime tonight which made Wendy want to beg for comfort.

Finally, it was the time to go off work. Wendy turned off the computer, set a few layers of password, and then locked the important documents into the safe. the outside of the safe was fingerprint lock, inside was the password lock. Therefore, it would not be so easy to open. And her office door was also special, she only opened it at the worktime.

It showed how important this project was, there must be no accident.

Wendy left the office with her bag and went off work after telling the secretaries.

Joey Lan was tired after being accused of doing many things the whole day. She had never done these chores before. Her hands were meant to play the piano. Why she had to buy coffee, lunch or print papers for these inferior men?

Joey was very angry when she thought about it. She saw everyone leave but none of them greeted to her. And then when she looked at the general manager's door, the mobile phone vibrated.

Joey took back her gazes and found it was a message from Duke Field. It said that he was already waiting for her downstairs to pick her up home.

Joey stopped complaining and picked up her bag and ran outside. Soon she was downstairs and saw Duke leaning next to a silver Rolls-Royce.

“Duke" Joey rushed to Duke like a butterfly and was not as angry as she had been. Maybe she saw that Wendy come out from the other side of the exit down, she deliberately kissed Duke on his face.

Duke did not care, but reached out naturally to take her bag, "How about the first day at work? Is it hard? "

Wendy who came over and heard Duke's words, she thought, “If you think the work is too hard, why don’t you keep her at home instead of sending her to work?”

As Wendy was about to go to the other side of her car, Joey suddenly said, "of course not, because there is Wendy to take care of me. What I am afraid of as Wendy is here?"

Joey was intentional because she knew that if she said it at this time, Duke would let Wendy take care of her. Then Wendy wouldn't embarrass her for the sake of Duke, even if she didn't want to take care of her.

Wendy took a slight step, then turned sideways to look at Joey, and saw a smile of relief on her face.

"Wendy, I thank you first. It’s Joey’s first time to work, please forgive her if she does something wrong." Duke’s words were considerate and all for Joey.

But Wendy felt anxious, not for Duke’s words but for Joey’s proud expression.

"It doesn't matter, as long as she keeps her part and does what she should do." Wendy said perfunctorily, looking at Duke indifferently. Although Duke was so wise, but he still didn’t know what Wendy thought through her eyes.

Secret love was different from like, which doomed to not be known. Every person who knew secret love, would certainly disguise themselves.

And Wendy, after all these years of disguising, she could hide her like easily if she didn’t want Duke to know it.

Even Joey was surprised, didn’t Wendy like Duke, or how would she refuse his request?

Just as Joey and Duke were thinking, Wendy had left, got into her car, and went away.

Chapter 438:The Back was Familiar. 1

Chapter 438:The Back was Familiar. 2


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