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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 137

“Vanessa, you’re probably right. If the video wasn’t faked, someone who looked like you must’ve filmed that video. It must be.”

Vanessa could only let out a bitter smile.

“What are the chances of them finding someone who looked like me? Gigi, you don’t need to comfort me. There’s probably something wrong with me.”

Georgia suddenly became anxious.

“Vanessa, I’m not just comforting you. My assumption wasn’t based on nothing. Do you know what I saw on my way back today?”

As soon as Georgia finished her words, Vanessa asked her back in doubt.

“What did you see then?”

“When I was claiming my luggage at the airport today, I saw someone who looked exceptionally like you. But I was a little far from her, so I couldn’t be sure if the both of you looked exactly the same. After that, I even prepared to run over with my luggage because I thought it was you, and I was wondering why you were at the airport too. Before I could reach the lady, she had disappeared amidst the sea of people.”

“Vanessa, you’re an orphan, how could you be sure that no one else in this world looks like you? I can assure you that the woman I saw looked just like you, no joke. Oh, and after I realized that, I went to the public phone right away to call you but you didn’t pick up. That was why I came here immediately.”

After listening to Georgia’s words, Vanessa was astounded.

“Gigi, are you really not lying just to comfort me?”

Georgia shook her head in seriousness.

“Why would I make up such a lie to comfort you? I really saw that at the airport. Vanessa, you can’t give up yet, and just ignore Alfred’s misunderstanding towards you for the time being. What we must do now is find out the person doing all these. She looked exactly like you, so what if you were a missing child? Maybe you can even find your parents, right? Don’t give up yet and don’t be afraid.”

Vanessa was initially a little surprised, and then felt slightly relieved from the burden that had been weighing her down. Her desolation for the past few days had lessened a little too. However, she let out a wry laugh soon after.

“Gigi, if what you said about me having a twin sister was true, she must be living a difficult life too. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have filmed such videos. She might even have a more miserable life than I do. How unlucky are we?”

“Even if this is the case, we need to find her too. Not only can it prove your innocence, but it can help the girl too.”

“This world is so huge. Gigi, do you think we can find someone so easily? For the past twenty years, I’ve never seen anyone who looked like me. As for you, you met her once by coincidence. Do you think we can see her again?”

“Vanessa, why are you so silly? Think properly. Why would Alfred have the video? Someone who dislikes you or Alfred must’ve sent it to him. And that person probably knows where the girl is. We can start by asking Alfred where he got the video from.”

“But I don’t think he would tell me.”

Vanessa laughed bitterly. She understood Alfred. He was an arrogant and conceited man, but she had trampled on his self-esteem.

Finally, Alfred decided to let it go and gave her another chance after he came back. However, the video that was played during the wedding ceremony broke off all hopes for the pair.

Alfred was so disappointed in Vanessa now, so how would he be willing to cooperate with her to dig into this matter? Vanessa no longer expected anything from Alfred either way.

“Don’t be disappointed so soon. There’s also hope in everything. Let’s take it a step at a time.”

Before Georgia could finish her words, Vanessa forced another smile. She couldn’t bring herself to be courageous anymore.

On the contrary, Georgia had already begun to think of a solution in her head. In fact, she already had someone she suspected. After thinking about it, she spoke again.

“It’s fine if we can’t get any information from Alfred. But Vanessa, weren’t we suspicious of who played the video during the wedding ceremony? It must be Rachel Scott! Do you think she could be the one to send the video to Alfred too?”

“Maybe Rachel knows the truth, but she definitely won’t tell us.”

Vanessa replied dejectedly, but Georgia was still keeping the gears spinning.

Rachel had parents and relatives. If they could find her weak spot, was it possible to force the truth out of her?

However, they didn’t know where to begin. This made Georgia overwhelmed and anxious.

“Forget it. Vanessa, it’s late, don’t think about Alfred anymore and go to bed. I’ll stay here from today onwards. I won’t leave you and Annie all by yourselves.”

Vanessa showed a surprised look this time around.

“You’re coming back to stay with me? Is Robert fine with it? By the way, what happened to the both of you?”

Vanessa seemed to be curious and started to ask Georgia a series of questions.

Georgia had briefly told her everything over the phone before this, and now she was explaining the whole kidnapping story in detail.

In the end, Vanessa only sighed.

“So it was Mr. Knight who did it. Gigi, I don’t think he would let this go so easily. He will definitely strike at Robert again, or maybe even you. You must be careful.”

Georgia forced a smile.


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