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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 139

Simon’s words left Georgia in bewilderment.

“Are you sure she checked my belongings on the desk?”

Simon nodded.

“I am not sure if she stole important information from you, but she searched your belongings and your computer.”

Georgia became silent, there were some notes on her desk, but she was the only one who could read them.

While the computer only recorded some experimental details she did recently, but checking someone else’s computer was not an ordinary act.

Georgia had set a password to protect her experiment data, but it was not a difficult task to have the data decrypted if Anaya copied it.

Georgia’s heart sunken, she raised her head and thanked Simon.

“Thanks for telling me this Simon, I will look into it.”

Simon smiled uncomfortably.

After a while, Simon said, “Georgia, I hope you will have a bright future, don’t sell yourself again, you are talented, research and experiment should be your career path, don’t destroy your future.”

Simon left after he finished saying them.

Georgia was touched and felt funny at the same time.

Simon was the first person she encountered when she first joined MU.

Simon had a good impression on her that day, Georgia knew but Robert was there almost immediately.

Her image in MU changed completely in the blink of eyes, Simon was disappointed in her since then.

Georgia thought Simon and her would be casual colleagues, but Simon helped her today and even advised her to concentrate on research, it was kind of him to have done that.

Georgia returned to the office and found that almost everyone had returned.

Aston asked Georgia in concern.

“Weren’t you kidnapped? You are injured, why return in such a hurry?”

Georgia smiled casually. “I am fine, two days were wasted, and the research progress would be seriously interrupted if I keep on delaying.”

Aston nodded and continued, “Professor is in the office, let’s go, he wants to see us.”

Georgia followed Aston to Professor Lee’s office, the professor showed his concern.

“If you are feeling unwell, you can go back and rest, don’t force yourself.”

“Professor, I’m fine, working won’t affect my health.”

“Sit down both of you and let’s discuss what needs to be done end of this month. Percy will give a lecture at the Imperial University, we still have two weeks until the end of the month, Georgia, are you ready?”

If it wasn’t because of being kidnapped, Georgia thought she would have completed the report, her research also should show a breakthrough result.

“Professor, I need another week, I want to ensure that there were no mistakes with the experimental factors and I would also like to find a better experimental condition to test and support my hypotheses.”

Professor Lee turned to Aston. “How is your research going? The public is waiting for the debate between MU and Percy Chow, they were eager to find out who will be the clown.”

“At least it’s progressing better than Percy’s research.” Aston smiled confidently.

“Do you still need to spend time on the search of the missing child?” Professor asked again.

“Yes, the search must continue and work must not be delayed too. But rest assured, I will only use my time after work to search for the child.”

“Okay, you continue with the direction of your research and I’m expecting reports from both of you at the end of the month.”

Aston left while Georgia stayed with Professor Lee.

“I heard that it was Laurence that kidnapped you, right?”

Professor Lee asked and Georgia nodded sadly.

“Yes. Laurence kidnapped Robert and me to an island. It was Robert’s father that saved both of us.”

Professor Lee frowned and looked worried.

“Do you know the number of share Laurence have in this research center?”

Georgia shook her head, she knew Laurence invested in MU but didn’t know how much.

“Laurence had 30% share in MU but his share was divided and sold while he was missing, he has only 9% left.”

Georgia didn’t understand what Professor Lee was saying, Professor Lee, continued.

“Until now Laurence had not contacted me, but he is not the forgiving type. You and Robert escaped, Laurence will see you as an enemy now. I’m telling you all this so that you could continue working in MU without worries, Laurence no longer has the authority to make a decision, and he can’t affect your work, so rest assure and don’t think too much.”

Georgia never expected that Professor Lee’s long speech was about this, she smiled.

“Professor, I didn’t know how many shares Laurence own before, don’t worry, I will focus on the research and ignore the rumours, but I need to tell you something.”

Professor said calmly, “Tell me straight what you want to say.”

Georgia told the professor what she heard from Simon, Professor Lee’s face stiffened.

He ordered to check the surveillance recording, but there was a problem with the system and all recordings in the office were gone. This proof that Anaya might have really stolen some data.

It would be a big threat to MU if Anaya leaked the research’s confidential information.

“I’ll have Anaya fired. I am not pleased with her working attitude and she hasn’t shown any performance this year, keeping her will create only mess.”

Professor Lee decided, but something came to Georgia’s mind and she advised.

“Professor, I know even if Rachel decrypted my data, it isn’t complete research, I didn’t store all my data and hypotheses into the computer. If they plagiarized my data and I present my data after that, isn’t it obvious who plagiarized by then?”

“Are you confident?” professor Lee asked.”

“I need two days to test and come out with a conclusion… Professor, there’s no need to act in rush now, let Anaya believe that we haven’t noticed anything, let the opponent think that they are winning. Our enemy now is Percy Chow, Anaya loathes me so the only person she will go to is Percy, and we can have someone tailing Percy for now.”

Professor Lee agreed with Georgia’s suggestion. They further discussed about the research data before Georgia left the room.


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