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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 147

“Maybe they see eye to eye to each other now? Jennifer is giving all of her attention to my brother currently, and as long as she could continue to treat my brother well, I will turn a blind eye to her past. I am really tired now, Miss Lane. Do you have anything else you want to know?”

Selena was saying the last sentence and hoping that Georgia could get the cue that she wanted to hang up now. Georgia immediately asked her the final question, “Robert’s father was investigating that car from that day. Hasn’t he found the car owner yet?”

“I don’t know about that. I have been very busy the past two days, and I’ve forgotten to ask Robert’s father about it. Miss Lane, I can pass you his number, and you can ask him yourself.”

“Then I’ll have to thank you for that.”

After the two of them hung up, Georgia stared at the number belonging to Robert’s father. She was stuck in a dilemma. Should she call this number?

Georgia couldn’t come to a decision at the moment.

She decided not to overthink this at the moment. She should just have some good sleep, and then she would think about this after her pregnancy test tomorrow.

On the other hand, on an island in Hawaii, Robert has been discharged from the hospital. He would take a flight back to the country tomorrow.

At the moment, Robert also learnt the news about Jasper and Jennifer’s engagement, which aroused his suspicion. He immediately called Jasper, “Why are you planning to marry Jennifer? That woman is a maniac, and it’s not like you don’t know that.”

Robert began questioning with a doubtful tone. Jasper responded with a sigh at the other end, and he began to describe what had happened at the Murphy family banquet before he launched into a complain, “Do you think that I really want to marry her? A knife is pressed against my throat. I don’t have a choice in this matter, you know. It’s not like you don’t know that Jennifer is the only daughter who was treasured by her parents and in a twist of my worst fate I happened to sleep with her. If I didn’t take responsibility for that, both my parents and Jennifer’s parents would berate and torture me until I would no longer be human. Instead of that happening, I chose the easier way, that was to give all of my cooperation. It’s just marrying a wife, everyone doesn’t have to get stuck up on it.”

Based on Robert’s understanding of Jennifer, with how she had been pestering him for more than ten years, it was unbelievable for her to willingly marry Jasper. There must be more than meets the eyes.

“Jasper, don’t you even think for a second that there’s a motive behind Jennifer’s move here? I have a feeling that she would cook up something.”

Robert was in fact feeling a little sorry. He had been rejecting Jennifer for many years, which indirectly drover her to madness.

And from the looks of things now, this mad woman was now involving his band of brothers. Despite the circumstances, not only Jasper wasn’t the least bit concerned, he even started to guffaw, “You don’t need to sound so sorry. Jennifer has been crazy for a long time. Now that she has chosen to marry me, even if she wants to create some ruckus or wants to use me, do you think I have no way of pushing her away? We don’t even know who would win in this match where each of us would claw away at the other, at least for now, you know.”

How could Jasper not know that this marriage was a farce from the beginning? That didn’t account for the fact that Jennifer and him were indeed drunk together that night and they had made love.

If taking into account how crazily in love Jennifer was towards Robert, not only she wouldn’t admit having anything to do with Jasper, she would have continued to stick to Robert. Not only that didn’t happen, Jennifer appeared to want to marry him no matter what, which gave him the impression that she was scheming something.

Jasper wasn’t really fazed by the possibility of Jennifer playing tricks on him. He was fully confident that he would have a way of taking care of this woman. He always felt that besides his mother and his younger sister, there was no one in the world who could shake him up from within, not to mention hurting him.

Robert continued this conversation with Jasper for a little longer, and Jasper even offered to get him at the airport. However, Robert only wanted to see Georgia, so he kindly declined Jasper’s goodwill.

After hanging up the phone, Robert suddenly felt like giving Georgia a surprise call, to ask her about whether she was ready to come get him tomorrow. He had a surprise in store for her.

He initially wanted to inform Georgia about his father’s findings about that car owner, who turned out to be Ivan. But when he woke up that day, he felt like it would be better to tell her personally after alighting from the plane.

The thing was, when the time to return to country approached, Robert began to feel an uneasiness wrapping him. He was worried that Georgia wouldn’t come to fetch him at the airport.

With his phone in his hand, he hesitated for a long time, still unable to make that call. He noticed that his mother had replied him with a text message, and it was after so long after his last phone call. This was the first time his mother had contacted him after that.

“I have listened to the news in your voice message that you have left for me. Since we can’t pull ourselves clear from the Lane family, you have to get down to this matter once you return to the country. Your father should be in the country, and you two should investigate about that accident involving Wendy. I don’t want to see your father and you for now. I just want to unwind overseas here, so don’t ask about my whereabouts. I will come back after some time.”

After reading the text message, Robert tried calling her again, but nobody was picking up too this time.

It seemed that his mother was still angry. Robert could only give up for now. Perhaps he had really hurt her mother’s heart.

Robert just hoped that he could find even more definitive evidence so that his mother could believe that Georgia was innocent all along.

Because of this text message, Robert suddenly lost all of his courage to call Georgia.

He should preserve his surprise for tomorrow when he arrived home. By then, he could really see Georgia again, and after pressing down his longing for her, Robert closed his eyes in preparation for his sleep.

Whereas in the country, it was only night time.


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