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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 152

The man was forced to turn around.

"Is there anything I can help you with, Miss?"

His voice sounded unfamiliar as well as his look. Georgia shook while crying.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else."

The gentleman shook smiley.

"It's alright, I need to go to the departure station now, goodbye."

Was her vision blurred or she was hallucinating? Why did she think that man looked like Robert.

Georgia mocked at herself while crying, she must have gone insane.

At this moment, someone pulled her wrist.

It was Robert in front of her when she turned around.

The man before her eyes sat on a wheelchair and was smiling warmly at her.

Georgia held Robert's face in her palms.

"Is it really you, Robert? Am I hallucinating?"

He laughed hearing Georgia. "Why do you think I'm a hallucination? Do I look different?"

Robert smiled, he thought Georgia was acting weird.

He had just come out of the airport, he initially thought Georgia would be waiting inside, but she was nowhere to be seen and her mobile couldn't be reached. So he let his assistant pushed him and look for her around in the airport.

When he saw her, she was speaking to a man, so Robert pulled her wrist.

Robert didn't expect that Georgia would bend down and put her hands on his face.

She had been keeping a distance from him all these while, this kind of sudden act of intimacy had never happened before.

Seeing her teary face, Robert asked in concern. "Why are you crying? Your eyes are all red, how long have you been crying? What happened? Tell me, I'll fix it for you, don't act strong and shoulders all the burdens alone anymore, I'm here for you, always."

Hearing Robert's words, Georgia collapsed and embraced him tightly, she even cried out loud.

Only at this moment that she was sure the man in front of her was Robert, he was fine.

Robert looked at Georgia who cried hugging him confusedly. He was astounded at first but then he wrapped her body with his arms.

He patted her back lightly and comforted her. "Why are you crying so loud? What happened? I'm worried if you keep it to yourself. Furthermore, I'm sitting in a wheelchair, I'm worried that you hugging me in this position is uncomfortable for you."

Georgia continued crying. "Robert, you are alright… I thought you are dead, I was terrified… Do you know that? I almost lost hope…"

Now only Robert realized the reason behind Georgia's tears. He slapped his forehead and immediately apologized.

"It's all my fault, my assistant changed my flight and I forgot to inform you. While my mobile was on flight mode, so couldn't call. I'm sorry to have made you worried."

Georgia laughed and cried at the same time.

"I'm so glad that you are fine… Robert. Don't you ever frightened me like this ever again. What should I do if something happened to you?"

Georgia hugged him tight again.

Robert couldn't hold but laughed out. Everything happening before him indicated that this woman cared about him.

The wall she built between had finally collapsed thinking something happened to him. She showed him how much she actually cared.

Robert's heart felt warm, he had finally seen her true feeling, his wait and determination didn't go to waste.

"Georgia, do you love me? I thought you don't like me, I thought you were distancing yourself and refused to be with me."

Georgia flushed in embarrassment, the fear in her heart hadn't faded, she didn't want to hide her feeling anymore and nodded with tears.

"Robert, don't get involved in an accident anymore… I felt like I could die knowing that something happened to you just now, I regretted not telling you that I feel the same, I like you, I love you… you get it?"

Georgia confessed her love to Robert while crying, Robert pushed her body to face him. And pressed his lips onto hers.

That kiss swiped away all hesitation and struggles in Georgia's heart, she just wanted to be sunken into his passionate kiss, she wanted to show him her love.

There had been no one who protected and loved her the way he did, she would regret it for the rest of her life if he disappeared.

But fate was by her side, this man survived and was right in front of her, loving her. Why not she show her love too?

She disregarded everything that happened and the difficulties between them, she just wanted to be with him, eternally.

Robert released her after a long and passionate kiss.

"You dunderhead, you will be exhausted hugging me like this. I can't stand up, let's go to my place, shall we?"

Georgia nodded, she didn't want to lose sight of Robert today, she wanted to stay by his side.

In the car, the driver was driving at the front while Robert and Georgia sitting at the back with their fingers locked on each other.

Georgia explained to Robert what she been through just now and it delighted him.

He thought he had a long way to go before earning her heart but the unexpected flight incident made Georgia see her true feeling.

Robert suddenly felt like the luckiest person in the world.

"Georgia, stay by my side from now on, I'll protect you."

Georgia replied with a smile, she felt extraordinarily happy.


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