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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 154

After she finished playing the video in her phone, Georgia continued playing the sound recording.

Professor Lee and Aston’s eyes brightened.

“How did you get this?”

Professor asked curiously by the side.

“A friend of mine helped me.”

Georgia didn’t know how to describe Robert, so she could only introduce him as a friend.

But when she said it, Georgia felt a pang of sweetness in her heart.

“Since we have this two evidence, then let’s play it big, we will first let Percy feel proud of himself.”

Aston suggested by the side.

“How do we play?”

Georgia was curious as to what idea Aston had.

“Very simple, since Percy had already published his article on the nature magazine, they definitely are looking forward to our response now. If we pretend that nothing happened, Percy and the rest would definitely think that we are very confident, and they will start to question themselves. Now we have to pretend that we are very frantic, conducting our experiments over long hours, it would be best if we can pretend that we are very worried, and let them think that we have no more strategies, and think that they have gotten what they want… Other than that, it would be best if we can let loose of news that MU Research Institute would retreat and that we don’t dare to attend Percy’s seminar.”

“Aston, your suggestion is great. In this situation, we should let our enemies be full of themselves. It’s Monday today, there’re ten days left to next Sunday, and Percy’s seminar is on that day. In these ten days, we can continue to pretend together. Apart from the three of us, no one can disclose the truth. Georgia, can you do this?”

Professor Lee asked Georgia. Of course Georgia would agree to it.

“Professor, don’t worry, I will act according to your plans. It’s just that my body condition is not too good, and I can’t work overtime in the laboratory every day. Can we change this condition slightly?”

In the best interests of the baby in her tummy, Georgia felt that she shouldn’t work too hard.

In the past, she could work overtime, and only get off work at 10 p.m.

But now, Georgia felt that she should not do that anymore. Her priority was to take care of the baby in her tummy.

“The strategy mentioned just now is not the only strategy. If you’re not feeling well now, we can change to another one.”

Aston said by the side.

Professor pondered for a moment.

“Georgia, are you confident with yourself? Are there any incompletions or flaws in your current experimental data and report that require you to repeatedly test them out?”

Georgia shook her head, actually she had already finished her experimental data report very well, and what she had been doing during work recently was to explore new directions.

All these experimental data used to deal with Percy, she had already prepared them a long time ago.

“Professor, you’ve also seen my experimental report and data, there’s no problem with dealing with Percy. I am not investigating new directions at work, just that my idea isn’t clear yet.”

“Since this is the case, then let’s put on a show. This magazine just came out today, Percy will definitely be observing our reactions. Besides Anaya, we are not clear on whether there’re any other people in the lab that has been bribed. Hence, this can only be made known to the three of us. Later, I will throw a tantrum in the lab, then Georgia you will leave the office feeling wronged. If you’re not feeling well then have a good rest for a few days… But everyone else will think that I am unhappy with you. Do you understand?”

Georgia immediately understood Professor Lee’s meaning. She quickly nodded her head.

“Professor, don’t worry, I will act with you in this show.”

Actually Georgia also felt that she needed to rest for a while. The doctor had also said that her body required taking care of. She would use this opportunity to rest for a while, it would be a good thing.

The three of them discussed the strategy for a while in the lab. Aston and Georgia walked out from the office, and Aston’s face was dark, while Georgia’s face was dejected, looking depressed.

Returning to the office, everyone noticed that Aston’s and Georgia’s faces were looking different.

Aston straight away exclaimed in the office.

“Let’s meet immediately in the office, professor has already mentioned, he has something to say.”

Everyone felt weird. Aston’s face looked extremely cold, as if something big had happened.

Anaya also knew that the magazine had been published today. She had already been observing Georgia’s and Aston’s expressions. Seeing Georgia’s dejected look, Anaya felt especially gleeful.

She knew that her own proposal would make Georgia lose out.

Now that she saw Aston’s cold look towards Georgia, Anaya felt even happier.

After about ten minutes, the group of ten plus people from the experimental team gathered in the lab.

Ernie didn’t even know the reason Professor Lee wanted to hold a meeting.

He sat by the side, after observing everyone, Ernie spoke to Professor Lee.

“Professor Lee, everyone’s here, should we start the meeting now?”

Professor Lee nodded his head. He suddenly slammed the table angrily, his face dark.

“What are you guys doing? Didn’t even realize that the CCTV in the lab has spoilt, and let others steal our experimental data, what’s more none of you even realized. Are you all good-for-nothings?”

With Professor Lee’s words, then only everyone realized that such a serious incident had occurred.

Their internal experimental data had been leaked, everyone started discussing among themselves, what do they do now?

Anaya was a little scared, she looked at Professor Lee tentatively, deeply worried that she would be found out.

Professor Lee huffed coldly.


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