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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 169

Vanessa was surprised to see Georgia and Robert here.

And was saddened by Georgia question.

“No big deal, Rachel showed me her marriage certificate, she married Alfred.”

Alfred married Rachel? Georgia had no idea what were they doing.

But she didn’t ask much looking at Vanessa’s sobbing face.

She walked towards Vanessa who was sitting on the sofa.

“What’s with the two guards outside?”

“They are sent by Alfred, Elsie went with Alfred to investigate on the videos, but she was concerned about my safety, I didn’t tell you that there are tons of reporter gathered around this area. Elsie was afraid that someone might hurt me and requested protection from Alfred.”

Hearing this, Georgia thought the relationship between Alfred and Vanessa became more complicated.

They were divorced and he was married to Rachel but sent guards to protect Vanessa?

Their chords were still connected, it was not cut entirely.

She had so many questions to ask but looking at Vanessa’s sobbing face, Georgia swallowed them.

The romantic relationship was never easy.

“Vanessa, I knew that this place is not safe and even worse now with all the reporters downstairs. Why don’t you come live with me at Robert’s villa for the time being? Annie is there too, I’ll worry less if we live under one roof.”

Georgia tried persuading Vanessa to live with her in the villa.

Vanessa hesitated, that was Robert’s villa, she felt uncomfortable living in someone else’s home.

Noticed her hesitation, Georgia continued.

“Vanessa, the discussion war will last for quite some time, it might take around ten days. Do you not want to see Annie for ten days? Furthermore, you’ll only be there for a while, and I won’t be home all the time, I need to work, if you were there, you could take care of Annie for me, I trust you fully with Annie.”

Vanessa was persuaded. “Alright, I will go with you then.”

She then walked over to the guards and explained the whole thing.

They couldn’t decide and called Alfred.

One of the guards then handed Vanessa the phone, it was Alfred on the other side.

“Are you sure you want to leave the apartment? Georgia and Robert’s are the talks of the town now, there are more people around their villa. It’s actually safer if you stay in the apartment, I don’t recommend you to leave the apartment and go there.”

“Alfred, thanks for sending your guards, but we are divorced, I’m free to stay where I want to. And congratulation on tying the knot with Rachel, you are someone else’s husband now, please keep things clear between us, keep a distance, okay?”

Alfred became speechless for some time and then he continued.

“Okay if this is what you want, but don’t hesitate to call me if you need help, don’t keep it to yourself.”

Vanessa replied with “Hmm”.

But they were divorced, she didn’t want to have anything to do with Alfred anymore even if she was in trouble.

He was someone else’s husband now, she should cut the tie entirely.

Alfred then instructed something to the guards after his conversation with Vanessa.

Georgia finally managed to bring Vanessa out of the apartment.

Annie was thrilled to see Vanessa.

They kissed each other on the cheeks and Annie was eager to show off her toy room to Vanessa.

The room was fifty square meters in size, filled with various children toys and games.

“Mom, these are my favourite dolls and the building blocks, I can never perfect it, it’s hard… Can you help me, mom…”

Annie introduced her toys to Vanessa excitedly, Georgia smiled watching them.

After Annie had finally finished introducing her toys, Vanessa went to Georgia.

“Robert treats Annie well, I was concern that Robert will mind that Annie is not his child and treats her badly. But looking at how nice he is to Annie now, regardless of whether it is sincere or just because of you, it doesn’t matter, I don’t worry anymore. I won’t object if you want to bring Annie and live here after you married him.”

“Vanessa, don’t overthink about the future, even if I married Robert and have Annie lives with me, you can still come to visit anytime you want.”

“You’re the one who had been taking care of Annie, I know how dependent she is on you. She had been complaining about not seeing you these few days, that’s why I wanted to bring you here. You were the one who took care of her for the past six years while I was in prison, your contribution is way higher than mine.”

Vanessa smiled, it doesn’t matter with whom the child lived with, nothing could come in between her and Georgia.

Both of them spent some time playing with Annie in the room and then Robert arrived in a wheelchair pushed by the housekeeper to call them out for lunch.


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