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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 182

“Elsie is now inside the detention centre, and I can’t go out to save her right now. Vanessa, I know you care about her a lot. And now that you are on good terms with Robert and Georgia, you can ask them to do you a favour and let Elsie out.”

As Alfred said, Vanessa asked anxiously.

“What’s happening? Why is Elsie at the detention centre?”

“I don’t know the exact reason. I only know that she beat someone up on the street, a couple if not mistaken. I have important at hand right now and unable to help her. I can only trouble you to get Elsie out.”

Alfred hung up the phone after sending the address of the detention centre where Elsie was.

Alfred was gloomy looking at the list of men that Elsie had helped him this time. In the next second, he asked his henchman.

“How many of these men have been caught?”

“Sir, five men have already been captured and are now being held inside dark room. Are you going to interrogate them yourself?”

Alfred nodded.

“Don’t let them move now. I’ll come over to interrogate them myself at midnight.”

After talking to his henchman, Alfred walked out of the study and walked up to Rachel the next second.

“Didn’t we talk about trying on wedding dresses before? Master Liszt happens to be at the wedding dress shop and you can only meet him today. Let me take you to see Master Liszt.”

Rachel was delighted after Alfred said this.

Her relationship with Alfred had been progressing rapidly for a while. This man had started to love and care for her. Rachel felt that all her patience and dedication had been rewarded.

She stood up, then rushed over and hugged Alfred tightly.

“Alfred, thank you for choosing me in the end. I’ll definitely be your most virtuous wife, and we’ll be the happiest couple in the world.”

The villa was located in the city centre. The two went to the car park, and after driving for a while, their car pulled up outside the wedding studio.

As soon as Rachel and Alfred got out of the car, they met Vanessa and Georgia, who just walked out.

Rachel looked nervously at Alfred. However, Alfred held Rachel’s hand tightly.

“Why stopped? Aren’t you happy to see my ex-wife? I’m already with you now. You don’t have to care too much about the people from the past.”

Hearing such a reply from Alfred, Rachel only then relaxed.

She grabbed Alfred’s arm and walked towards Vanessa.

“Miss Cooke, you found your new love so soon and now choosing a new wedding dress again? Are you going to expose your racy video at the wedding hall again? Wanting to be a disgraced bride again?”

Rachel laughed mockingly. She wanted to ridicule Georgia too, but Rachel could only withdraw the words in her heart when seeing Georgia and Robert together.

She was not in a position to offend the Simpson family yet.

“Miss Scott, not everyone who comes to the wedding studio is here to pick a wedding dress. If your thoughts are so simple and straightforward, I suggest you to go back and study for a few more years. Your compulsory education is so poor that not even comparable to a primary school student.”

Rachel’s face was distorted with rage as Vanessa said this. She hated to raise her hand to slap Vanessa.

Georgia satirized icily at the side.

“Miss Scott, please take note of your situation. If you dare to make a move, I’ll immediately have my bodyguards to kick you out.”

Previously, Georgia wouldn’t have such confidence. But now, with Robert by her side, she knew that this man would protect her and her friend.

She had the guts to say that, even if it was because of Robert, it was sweet too.

Rachel restrained her hands as she slowly lowered her arms. Then, she smiled sarcastically at Vanessa.

“Miss Cooke, I’m sorry. I thought most of the people who came here were the ones who chose their wedding dresses, and the others were just accompanying them here. It seems that you’re the one who accompanies your best friend. I was wrong about you. But, I came here today to choose my wedding dress. Alfred told me that he would have the world’s top wedding dress designer, Master Liszt, design my wedding dress. Poor you when you got married with Alfred, you could only pick a random off-the-rack wedding dress. Those all might be the second-hand goods worn by others too. That’s so pity… Isn’t that right, Alfred?”

Alfred looked at Vanessa in front of him and agreed with a soft grunt, making Rachel feel satisfied. She then spoke again mockingly.

“You can tell whether a man is attentive to you or not from his attitude towards you, at least from the way he picks a wedding dress. Miss Cooke, it’s right for you to leave. Although you were abandoned, I’m grateful that you didn’t pester us.”

Vanessa could only smile after being mocked like this. However, Georgia couldn’t help herself and wanted to speak up, but Vanessa grabbed Georgia’s hand.

Rachel then proudly walked in, holding Alfred’s hand.

“Why did you let her humiliate you like that?”

Georgia asked angrily while Vanessa just smiled faintly beside her.

“Georgia, Alfred had a love-hate relationship with me, and I know the two of us have no future. In fact, neither Rachel has. I know Alfred well. From the way he looks at Rachel, I don’t know whether I should pity Rachel or Alfred. I don’t even know what they are up to…”

Vanessa sighed sadly as she grabbed Georgia’s hand and then spoke to Robert.

“I’ll just go to see Elsie alone. You guys no need to come along and just take Annie home.”

Vanessa told Georgia and Robert after knowing the news that Elsie was at the detention centre.

Of course Robert was willing to help Elsie. She was just being held in the detention centre. So, bringing a lawyer and paying the bail fee could get her out then.

The two debated whether they should go along or not when they walked out just now, but they happened to meet Alfred and Rachel walking over, which stopped the discussion.

Georgia immediately shook her head.

“It’s late already. I’m not at ease letting you go alone. I’ll accompany you over to bring Elsie back. And we don’t know exactly what she was encountered. Let’s go together, okay?”

Robert laughed at the side.

“I’ll let the bodyguard accompany you over. The two of you must have something to talk, and you might feel uncomfortable with me being around. I’ll just leave then. Is that good?”


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