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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 188

Georgia suddenly paled, and she was in pain as if she had been in severe pain during childbirth in those years. She felt bitter grief in her heart.

Was her baby going to leave her at this moment?

Georgia thought in despair. Several men immediately grabbed Georgia and Travis from the ground and pointed the guns at their heads.

Soon the door of the warehouse was flung open.

Georgia saw that a group of men rushed in, and Robert came in with a wheelchair at the same time.

Georgia tried to smile, and she wanted to tell Robert that she was alright. But she felt a searing pain in her abdomen and the pain caused her sweat all around her body. She trembled in her hands, and her teeth chattered because of the pain.

Georgia could not speak, and she felt the pain was about to kill her. She could not find her feet to get up.

Yet the two men next to her lifted her body and pointed two guns at her head.

“Drop your guns, and I'll let you people go.”

Robert talked to the man that had kidnapped Georgia and Travis.

“I'll send you people to leave immediately as long as you people won't harm Georgia and Travis and tell me that who is behind this. I want you people to promise that you people will never come back to D City evermore. You people won't leave here alive if any of you dare to shoot.”

Robert looked frosty and said menacingly.

Robert was worried especially seeing Georgia's pale face. He did not know what had happened to Georgia, but she did not look good.

She seemed to be injured and looked weak.

However, Robert's threat did not work for the kidnappers. One of the kidnappers directly howled.

“Don't believe what he said. He definitely won't let us go since we have captured his fiancee today. It's better to fight than to be captured!”

A few of the kidnappers carried Georgia and Travis and walked to the front.

“Prepare a car for us. We need to leave immediately.”

Robert would kill them once they dropped the guns. It was useless to kill Georgia and Travis here. The kidnappers did not know the news would leak so quickly. They could only look for a car and escape with the hostages.

They would only release Georgia and Travis after they successfully escaped.

The gun pointed at Georgia's head.

Robert felt pretty worthless at this time. He could not guarantee that he could save his loved woman, regardless of the number of bodyguards and how much money he had.

“Go and prepare a car for them.”

Robert said with his eyes shut. He took a deep breath then led his men to make way for the kidnappers to carry Georgia and Travis to the front.

The kidnappers carried Georgia out from the warehouse. Georgia felt colic in her abdomen, and she experienced tearing pain all over her body.

Georgia did not know how long before she found that the kidnappers carried her to the front of a car.

Georgia and Travis were both tied up. One of the kidnappers opened the car door, and the rest of them pushed Georgia and Travis into the car. They wanted to leave by car.

However, Travis struggled intensely at this moment.

None of them expected that Travis would be able to break free from his rope. He directly held Georgia in the next second.

It seemed to take only a second to happen. Shots rang out at the moment everyone was overwhelmed.

Georgia felt that Travis's body was getting heavier when he held her. She experienced severe pain in her foot. Later she fell in a faint.

The kidnappers wanted to take Georgia and Travis away, but Travis caught them on the wrong foot by his sudden struggle. Robert immediately ordered his men to fire.

There was a chaotic shoot-out. By the end of the shooting, Travis got shots on his legs and arms. Georgia got shot on her foot. Several kidnappers were injured as well. However, Robert was overwhelmed with numerical strength. Later, Robert's men caught a few of the kidnappers, and the rest of them escaped.

Robert could no longer care about those who had fled. He madly wanted to push his wheelchair to Georgia's side.

Georgia looked pale and was lying on the ground. There was a pool of blood beneath her. Robert almost suffered from a cardiac arrest when he saw this.

They were in a suburb, and they even had to take 40 minutes to reach the nearest hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Robert noticed that Georgia kept bleeding. Initially, he thought that it was a gunshot wound on her foot bled. But later, there was more and more blood beneath her. Robert dawned on some things, and he trembled.

Travis and Georgia were immediately sent to the emergency room and then moved to the operating room for surgery.

Travis was the first who came out from the operating room. He had four gunshot wounds, but none of them were in the vital part of his body. Travis would recover from the gunshot as long as he had enough time to rest.

Georgia was still inside the operating room. While Robert stood rigid outside the operating room, and he trembled all over. Robert did not even dare to sit for a moment. He was in fear and despair.

After they entered the hospital, the doctor straightly asked Robert when he saw Georgia's condition.

“Your wife is miscarrying now, and she is in a dangerous condition. Mr. Simpson, please go and sign an informed consent for the operation immediately.”

Robert had guessed that Georgia had miscarried on the way to the hospital.

He felt more pain in his heart after the doctor had confirmed his thought.


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