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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 196

Alfred Chow spoke with clear suspicion in his words. Eliana’s appearance was just too sudden.

She said that she received an anonymous email and that she was notified where Vanessa Cooke was. Then, she brought Robert Simpson’s people to bring Vanessa back. However, Rachel Scott’s people disappeared. There was obviously a problem there.

Georgia Lane also had that kind of speculation. She just couldn’t understand how an unknown woman could be involved in Vanessa’s matter.

Vanessa and Eliana didn’t know each other at all.

“My guess is that the anonymous email was probably sent to me by Rachel. I already asked Robert about the dispute among Rachel, Miss Cooke, and you. She probably grew her hatred out of her love for you. That’s why she wanted to torment the woman you love. You can check Vanessa’s physical examination report to see what injuries she has. The doctor will send the report to my phone after a while. As to why Rachel sent the message anonymously to me, she probably misunderstood something. She must have thought I have a special relationship with Robert. I think she also still hates Miss Lane. Since Miss Lane is Miss Cooke’s best friend, she wanted to drive a wedge between Miss Lane and Robert’s relationship by letting me get between you guys.”

“What special relationship between you two did she misunderstand?”

Georgia took the initiative and asked.

“Miss Lane, please don’t get me wrong. Rachel thought Robert and I are each other’s exes. But the truth is there was no such thing. I hope you don’t misunderstand. I really sincerely wish your relationship with Robert to be well.”

It turned out that her hunch was right. She had always thought that she wasn’t an ordinary person.

However, she spoke so calmly. Though she was a bit jealous and had different speculations and doubts in mind, Georgia could only put these down and politely respond to the person in front of her.

“I understand. Thank you for informing Robert right away and saving Vanessa. You mentioned Vanessa’s physical examination report a while ago. How long will it take before they give it to us?”

Alfred also anxiously watched Robert and Eliana from the side.

Vanessa looked really bad, so Georgia and Alfred were extremely scared.

But, what injuries did Vanessa have? Both of them really wanted to know right now.

“The examination report was done in another hospital. It would probably be sent to my phone after a while. I’ll send it to you. Please patiently wait for a while.”

Eliana spoke again. She even took the initiative to add their contact numbers so that she could easily send the report to them.

Alfred and Georgia both exchanged numbers with Eliana.

After they talked it out, they all went back to Vanessa’s ward and waited for the examination report.

However, before the examination report came out, Georgia saw that Elsie Clarke gave her a phone call.

“I already saw the message you sent me. You said that Vanessa was found and is in the hospital right now. Where is she? I’m coming back to the hospital right now.”

“She’s here at the three rooms in front of my ward. Come here. We’re all here right now.”

After Georgia finished speaking, the other side immediately hung up.

Elsie quickly rushed over. Once she saw Vanessa was sleeping and unconsciously lying on the bed, Elsie rushed over and cried as she held Vanessa’s hand.

Fortunately, Vanessa was still alive. Her sister was still alive.

If the sister whom she just met would leave her so soon, Elsie would feel that she brought bad luck to her.

Fortunately, Vanessa was still alive. Elsie felt like she was alive again.

She had always loathed herself and lived a muddled life. However, Elsie only had the courage to change her life after she met her sister.

She felt that she could change her way of life.

“You’ve said before that you don’t know who the older sister and younger sister are among us. From now on, you are my older sister. Sister, you need to wake up. I will never let anyone hurt you again in the future.”

Georgia could feel her heart aching as she listened to what Elsie was saying.

“The report is out. Come look at it.”

Eliana suddenly spoke. Georgia anxiously opened the electronic report.

There were only identifications of the bruises on her body on the electronic report.

Her lower body was all torn with a few stitches, and her knees and wrists all had cartilaginous bruises…Big and small bruises were all over her body. There were burn marks and also cuts from sharp tools…The ligaments on her hands and legs are also all broken…

She already had a surgery done now, while the wounds and bruises were all bandaged.

Georgia no longer had the courage to stand up straight. She lay limped and speechless on the floor.

She had already guessed that Vanessa would be tortured ruthlessly, but Georgia only knew how great the impact was after reading the electronic report.

Vanessa, who was so gentle and afraid of pain, was already humiliated six years ago. Georgia couldn’t guarantee that Vanessa would still remain calm after waking up. Even she was feeling hopeless already.

How could God be so cruel? Although Vanessa was not an angel, she had never offended nor hurt anyone.

She was a kind young lady, but how could God be so cruel to Vanessa?

Vanessa already lost the love of her life. She had even lost her child six years ago. Up until this point, was she going to destroy Vanessa’s will to live?

Georgia knew very well that Vanessa wasn’t a strong person.

Vanessa almost didn’t make it when her baby died after being born six years ago.

However, Vanessa only regained her will to live after Georgia asked her to take care of her child not long after.

Because of the pain from losing her own child, Vanessa treated Annie like her own child. This helped her slowly walk out of her pain and grief.

However, how should she help Vanessa get through this pain now?

With a “bang”, Georgia saw Alfred kneeling in front of Vanessa’s bed.

When she realized that what happened to Vanessa was all because of Rachel and that Rachel did this because of Alfred, Georgia angrily walked to Alfred’s side.


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