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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 200

After Ivan made this suggestion, Robert abruptly thought of Gigi’s current kidnapping incident.

He was the one who didn’t protect Gigi in the first place. He suddenly felt that he was too slow when responding to the plot against the Lane family.

“You are right, I was actually stumped at that moment, I will give our father a call to change the strategy.” After some deliberation between the two brothers, Robert gave his father a call on his direct line. He told his father Aidan about the discussion he had with his brother Ivan.

“Our original plan was to torment them slowly, so they didn’t have a choice but to end their lives, however Emma and Owen Lane are not the type of people who we could’ve killed slowly. If they remember this and take revenge on me or Gigi, that’s not the sort of retaliation we can lose to. Let’s change the plan.”

“What do you mean?” Aidan asked as he panicked on the other line.

“Even if it’s life or death, we need them to be within our grasp, if we can’t achieve this, there is no point of keeping them alive. It’ll be a headache to harm them in the same country, if you can achieve this, go ahead. If not, I will handle this.”

“I understand what you want, I will make it happen, I don’t want them alive in this world either, these people are accomplices to murder, I will take revenge for Wendy.” Aidan agreed on the phone. Even though they are not kindhearted people it didn’t mean that he is allowed to be a delinquent.

Predators will always prey on the weakest in this world, if you let your enemy live, one day your enemy will definitely fight back. There is no such thing as pure equality and justice in this world.

After he talked to Aidan and before he could tell Ivan about his phone conversation with his father, Robert heard his mobile phone ring. To his surprise it was a call from Anaya.

He thought about the time when he took advantage of Anaya and hurt Georgina Lane and felt bad. They have only met once, Robert thought it was strange that Anaya is calling. What does she want?

“Robert, can I ask you something?” Anaya asked directly after he picked up the phone.

“What’s the matter?” Robert was interested in what she had to say, she is indeed his own cousin. If she needed a little help, he does not mind helping her at all.

However, after he answered her, Anaya started criticizing him. “What is going on with you and Georgia, cousin? When you told me that you’re with her, I thought it was strange. She clearly faked a paternity test and deceived you and you hated her at that time. But why do you want to be with her? Do you know what she did recently? She went to the professor directly and bad mouthed me, the professor has banned me from the laboratory. How can you be with someone like that?”

Georgia had already spoken to Robert privately about Anaya and clarified the situation – Anaya stole some experiment results. Obviously, Robert wasn’t just going to side with Anaya. He asked Anaya, “You got kicked out from the laboratory because you stole experiment data, Anaya, I’m your cousin, so I’m not going to blame you for doing things to hurt Gigi. I’m not going to punish you, but I will not tolerate your behavior again, do you understand me?”

Robert warned her bluntly. He originally wanted to ignore her with Georgia, but Anaya surprised him by calling him to hurl insults towards Georgia. This made him angry.

“Robert…” Anaya started to cry over the phone. “How can you really like this sort of woman? Don’t you know about her past? You know that she sells her body in the club, don’t you? She keeps trying to flirt with a senior in my school named Aston Powell, she’s no angel, Aunt Maisie will not give this marriage her blessing.”

“This is not anything you need to worry about, how my mother feels about my future with Gigi is none of your business. I’m going to ask you again why did you call me today? If you’ve called to demand that I break up with Georgia I think you should hang up immediately, it’s not happening.” Robert thought of Anaya.

This led him to think about the relationship between Rachel Scott and Anaya. Would it be possible that there is something wrong with their gene pool? Why are there two abnormal women?

“Robert, apart from this I have been wanting to tell you something, I have called my aunt several times, but she has not been answering my calls, what is going on? I have phoned the housekeeper at home, I was informed that she is on vacation and is not home either, why is she avoiding my calls??” Said Anaya.

Ever since Anaya left the MU Research Institute, she had been plotting to take revenge on Georgia, but Georgia had successfully made a name for herself, Professor Lee had accepted her, colleagues appreciated her company, even his cousin fell in love with her. This was something Anaya cannot accept.

All she could do was call her Aunt Maisie and let her stop Robert from marrying Georgia.

However, no one answered even after a few attempts to call her aunt, this made Anaya depressed. She could not change her point of view and condemned Georgia.

“Did the phone connect when you called my mother?” Robert asked curiously. His mother has been very kind to Anaya ever since Wendy’s death, it didn’t seem likely that his mother will avoid her calls.

Anaya felt misunderstood and started to cry over the phone, initially she thought she was determined to call her Aunt Maisie to spill out Georgia’s secrets and even get her Aunt Maisie to force Robert to dump Georgia.

But now she can’t even talk on the phone. This made her feel agitated. Georgia had people supporting her and now she was a nobody. “It’s been four or five days and I cannot seem to get through to her, what is going on? Do you think something happened to my Aunt Maisie?” Asked Anaya.

Even though Robert does not talk to his mother everyday, he talked to her every two to three days. They only talked on the phone for a short time, but he turned down Anaya’s assumption. “I talked to my mother the day before yesterday, did you say something out of line to make her angry and avoid you?”

“I will never be guilty of doing so!” Yelled Anaya over the phone. “I have a good relationship with Aunt Maisie, she used to pick up my calls, but it’s been almost a month and she has not picked up any of my calls. Don’t you think it sounds fishy?”

To be honest, Robert was suspicious about Anaya’s intentions for calling his mother.

Didn’t sound like her intensions were pure, it even sounded like she was sneering at Gigi. It would make it harder for him to be together with Gigi afterwards.

At this moment Robert had a selfish thought. “The fact that you can’t reach her momentarily proves that she doesn’t want to talk to you, wait for her to get home and come over to talk to her.” Robert said and hung up.

“What’s the matter? Why did Anaya call you?” Ivan asked. Of course, Ivan knows of Anaya, she often visited when they were younger. But they’ve grown apart since everyone is grown up and working hard on their careers and only met up once in a blue moon.

Robert told him a simplified version of the talk he had with Aidan and Anaya.

“Anaya has always been a cautious person since we were young, now that she is older, her personality has intensified. I believe that my great aunt’s temporary lack of contact with her is actually a good thing. If my great aunt’s point of view of Georgia worsens, you can see that Anaya’s intensions are cruel.”


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