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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 203

“Vanessa, we should revenge for that child. We must catch Rachel Scott, don’t you want to tear her down? You must screw up the courage to stay alive, even just for the purpose of revenging!”

Georgia Lane felt that, for sure Vanessa hadn’t fallen asleep, Vanessa could actually hear what she had said.

“If you still want to revenge on Alfred Chow, I will support you too. No matter what, don’t give up your live.”

Vanessa Cooke kept closing her eyes, but Georgia could see the tears falling from Vanessa’s eyes.

She knew, Vanessa was not sleeping.

Elsie Clarke didn’t know what Georgia was talking about, but she started to talk too.

“Vanessa, do you know how my life was when I was young? My clothes were always the leftover clothes from the old boys and girls in the family, and I had not enough to eat every day. They always beat us, but I still had to help them to wash their clothes… Sometimes when they gave us a meal or even a fruit, I even fought with other children until bleeding. Even during that time, I didn’t have the thought of dying to end my life. I kept thinking that as long as I could win them, then I would have things to eat, so I could stay alive!”

“When I was 10 years old, the director tempted me to his office by telling me that he was finding a good adoptive person for me, so I went to meet him. During the first time, the director brought me to a beautiful room, with many tasty foods inside. I was so excited and thought that finally I could get rid of that kind of life, so I sat there, enjoying the foods while waiting for the parents who wanted to adopt me to come. I wished that they would bring me home, but the person who came was a middle-aged man. He showed me a disgusting smile, then he teared off my clothes. I didn’t know anything during that time, I just felt that it was painful. Even until the man had left, I still didn’t understand what had happened to me, I just felt that I was deeply wronged and suffered. I didn’t want to experience that just for the purpose of eating, but how should I continue to stay alive if I didn’t want to eat those things?”

“I thought this would stop there, but the director noticed my manner, he smiled and coaxed me that he would give me foods every time I came here. Even he himself also teared off my clothes and he always asked me to go to his office. Since I was 10 years old, I always saw many different men who came to find me. During that time, I began to have a lot of things to eat. There were many people who envied me, they even wanted to grab those chances from me, but I was the prettiest girl among that age range. Slowly, I grew up and finally understood what it meant, but I still didn’t think of leaving this world. I thought of dying together with them by setting there on fire. I thought of many different possibilities, but I realized that I couldn’t do that. If I really set the place on fire, maybe those dying would be the pity little boys and girls. I was not able to do that, so I tried to find a way to run away from there, but I was exposed.”

“I was sold after that, I experienced a lot, but I still didn’t think of leaving this world. I always consoled myself that at least I survived. Vanessa, I didn’t tell you these things last time because I didn’t want you to be sad. Actually, I don’t care of these things anymore because I have survived, and my life onwards will be wonderful. With you here to protect me, perhaps I can even earn money above board. But now if you are leaving me, I feel that this world is really discarding me. If you wish to revenge, I will help you. Please, open your eyes, don’t keep your mouth shut, okay?”

After Elsie said out these words, Georgia suddenly covered her eyes and cried.

She already guessed that Elsie had suffered a lot in the past, but she didn’t dare to think deep into these.

Just like she didn’t dare to see what had happened to the prostitutes in old times, she didn’t dare to watch those tragic documentaries and movies.

This time, Vanessa finally opened her eyes and got up from the bed, then she hugged Elsie tightly.

“Elsie, I’m sorry, I just feel that I’m so depressed until I don’t feel like saying anything and I just wish to ignore everyone, but I’m not against you. I had lost the courage to continue to be alive that moment actually, but once you stopped me, I didn’t have the courage to die anymore. You’re right, staying alive, only staying alive will allow me to revenge, I still want to revenge for my child…”

Vanessa hugged Elsie and cried, she was throwing all the wronged and pain feelings out from her heart. Vanessa was even thinking that Elsie had suffered so much in her life, and she herself were also suffered a lot after she grew up, why their life was so suffering? Why had they faced so many problems?

The most important was, their enemies were still there, why they need to continue to be suffered?

“Elsie, I want to revenge for my child. Those who had hurt you, we want to revenge too. Didn’t you meet the director and the one who bullied you last time? We will revenge together, if not, what is the meaning of staying alive?”

“Vanessa, just do whatever you want, we will revenge together if you want to revenge. If you just want to stay in a peaceful place, without caring anything, I won’t have any objection. I just wish that we can stay together, I don’t ever have a loved one, I don’t want you to leave me.”

The two women were talking, Georgia stood up and left the ward.

She felt that if she continued to stay there at this moment, she would be disturbing their conversation.

It was the entanglement that couldn’t break off between the loved ones, and it was the pain that she couldn’t feel the same.

Even if she cared about Vanessa a lot, but as compared to what she had experienced, the things that happened on Vanessa was way more suffering.

At least her daughter, Annie was still alive, and she already had a trustable boyfriend. All the grievances in her had been washed away.

Her life was, indeed, very lucky.

Georgia stood silently in the corridor for a very long time, then she finally walked towards her ward.

Annie was brought involuntarily to them just now, she didn’t know how the current situation was.

After knocking the door, Georgia walked into her ward. Annie asked agitatedly after seeing that her mommy was back.

“Mommy, I have waited you for so long, how are Vanessa? Can I go and meet her now?”

“Vanessa had fallen asleep after crying.”

Georgia lied.


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