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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 261

Georgia watched a man sprint up to her and knock the maniac to the ground just as she was ready to give up.

A squad of security guards hurried over as soon as the alarm went off.

“Are you all right, Georgia?”

Travis was the one who brought the lunatic to his knees. He inquired of Georgia after seeing that the lunatic had been apprehended by security guards.

Georgia's eyes welled up with tears in an instant.

“I thought I was going to die...”

Georgia was crushed, and the prospect of fighting the god of death just now terrified her.

Travis was distressed to see her in such anguish, so he lifted her from the floor, while Georgia did nothing but bury her shivering body in his arms. She had been nearly stabbed in the stomach, and the panic had not subsided, she needed to hold this man to feel better.

Georgia was comforted by Travis' gentle touch on the back.

"Fear not, I'm here, everything will be fine. You can't live here by yourself any longer, you'll need to hire bodyguards. You are now one of the wealthiest people on the planet, and you require the services of bodyguards. I argued with you when you stated you didn't need anyone around, but look at you now, you're on the verge of getting wounded. You may die if I weren't here today, and what should I do if that happened?"

Georgia kept nodding, she was terrified, and everything Travis stated was true to her at the time. The chief security rushed over to help.

"Do you need to go to the hospital, Ms Lane, because your hand is injured?” We've reported the lunatic to the cops, and they'll look into it further. We sincerely apologize, there was a glitch in our security system, and we have no idea how the lunatic got through the gate, we are sorry, Ms Lane.”

As the chief security of this residential area, he must be held accountable for allowing residents to be nearly stabbed by a maniac, it was a disaster for them. He could only hope that Ms Lane would not make a big deal out of it, or else their reputation would suffer. The other wealthy families could be banded together and moved out of the area.

He could lose his job as a result, and he might not be able to find another.

He was in command, and he was held accountable for what had happened today.

Georgia wasn't in the mood to talk to him, her terror had not abated, and she couldn't hear a word he said.

Travis, on the other hand, released Georgia and saw her blood-stained hands, his eyes were stinging.

“Look at your hands, Georgia, you're injured, let's get to the hospital right away, we need to get these wounds treated as soon as possible.”

Georgia gave a modest nod. They disregarded the chief security, who could only keep apologizing and asking his team to report the situation to the owner while standing motionless by Georgia and Travis, waiting to make another round of apologies.

Elsie emerged just as Travis was ready to send Georgia to the hospital.

"Georgia, I just heard someone scream. What happened?"

Travis was enraged and threw a temper tantrum at Elsie.

"How come you left her alone just now?" Do you have any idea what happened? She was nearly stabbed in the stomach by a psychopath who ran up to her. Why didn't you stay beside Georgia to safeguard her since her legs are still too weak for her to walk on her own?"

Travis roared those words and looked remorsefully at Elsie. Elsie, too, had spotted Georgia's injured hands and was immediately struck with guilt. "I'll contact the driver right now to transport us to the hospital now," she replied instead of fighting with Travis. "Oh no, I should first get the first aid kit to bandage up the wound and then get treatment in the hospital..."

Elsie was correct, and Travis agreed with a nod.

They were in the car driving to the hospital after a short time, and Elsie was wrapping up Georgia's hands with gauze.

Now that Georgia had regained control of her panic and emotion, she turned to Travis.

"It's not Elsie's fault, Travis, she needed the bathroom just now, and I wanted to stay a little longer for some fresh air and a view of the sky, don't blame her."

Travis realized he'd gone too far just now and apologized to Elsie.

"Sorry for yelling at you just now, I was too impulsive. This isn't your fault, and neither of you should continue to live here. Either relocate or employ bodyguards, which you may hire female bodyguards if you like. Georgia, you must be aware of your status as one of the world's wealthiest people, even if you have no enemies, those aiming for your money will attempt to abduct you, and you will require the services of bodyguards."

Georgia appeared to be remorseful, as she hadn't given this enough thought.

"I get it, I won't be living alone at the villa with Elsie anymore, I'll employ security."

They made their way to the hospital. The medics treated and dressed the wounds, the cuts were deep but not severe.

When they returned home, the chief security officer and the cops arrived.

"Ms Lane, we've filed a police report and the madman has been taken to the station, the officers are here to ask a few questions, please don't mind, Ms Lane."

Georgia was unconcerned, but she was astonished to see a familiar face, it was the same police officer who had previously paired with Selena.

"Hello, Mr Camden, it's been a long time since we've seen one other."

Camden gave Georgia a gentle smile. "Because you're injured, Ms Lane, we won't take up much of your time, just a few questions to keep track of things."

Georgia said, "Let's go in first." Camden and his companion were escorted into the living area by the three of them.

"When the incident occurred, no one was present. Please give us a quick description of the incident, Ms Lane, and since this gentleman saved you, we'll need his testimony as well."

Georgia said, "His name is Travis..."


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