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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 265

Georgia’s hand hadn’t healed yet. It was still wrapped up, but she didn’t have any problem going outside.

Of course, right now she couldn’t stand or walk for too long. To not tarnish her image, she didn’t use the wheelchair. She got out of the car with the help of Travis and walked into the hotel.

In most circumstances, Georgia wouldn’t make it hard for herself. As soon as she got into the hotel, a worker pushed a wheelchair towards her. Georgia then sat in the wheelchair.

“Do you feel tired?”

Travis, who was standing next to her, asked her concernedly.

“I’m fine. I was only walking for a few minutes. I could’ve practice walking for a longer time, but I might hurt my muscles. The doctor told me to not walk for too long.”

According to the doctor, Georgia would need to use the wheelchair for more than half a month. Forcing herself to walk or stand for a long period would only hurt her muscles more. There was no need for Georgia to hurt her body just because she wanted to save some face.

“Let’s go in.”

Travis pushed Georgia in the wheelchair after he said that.

But before they could even reach the hall, Georgia saw Anaya walking towards her. She was also holding a boy’s hand. He looked like he was about 6 years old.

The boy looked cute. There was a complicated look in Georgia’s eyes. Last time in the hospital, Robert and Sierra brought this child over. The boy was Robert’s and Sierra’s son.

Georgia tried to forget about this child’s existence in the past few days. She had to attend the wedding today and never did she guess that she would meet this child here.

Anaya and Wesley walked towards Georgia. She raised her head and was smirking.

“Georgia, I admire your guts. Today’s Robert’s and Sierra’s wedding. You actually have the guts to attend, how can you be so shameless?”

Travis was a bit angry. He wanted to help Georgia out and scold Anaya, but Georgia held his hand and said first.

“He gave me the invitation and invited me to come, so why shouldn’t I be here? The man himself invited me and there was nothing shameless about it. Miss Mitchell, why are you so worried when you’re just the onlooker? Worry about yourself more before worrying about others. Why are you such a busybody?”

After Georgia said that, Anaya’s face turned red. Today should be the day where Georgia would get made fun of in public. She should’ve been crying in pain and be nothing more than a speck of dust in front of Anaya.

But Georgia was as proud and pompous as usual, she even ridiculed Anaya in return. This made Anaya extremely unhappy.

They were slowly getting surrounded. The onlookers were having fun watching them.

Anaya was in a bad mood. She was going to sneer at Georgia, but the people were laughing at her instead.

“Wesley, you have to teach this woman a lesson. She hurt your mother and snatch your father away from your family. She is a bad person…”

Anaya whispered to Wesley. Georgia wasn’t paying attention, suddenly she noticed that the boy was holding a glass of red wine and was pouring it right at her.

At that moment, Georgia felt like her whole face was covered with red wine.

She thought that she had to look miserable. The upper half of her dark green dress was stained with red wine and the strands of hair on her face felt cold. The people surrounding them started snickering. Anaya who was standing on the side also laughed contently.

“Serves you right, getting taught a lesson by a child. A wretch like you who snatch his father away, go away!”

Anaya smiled all satisfied. Georgia felt faint. This was the best card that Anaya could play. Getting a child to bully her, not to mention the boy was Robert’s son. No matter what, Georgia couldn’t start arguing with a child. The child poured red wine on her and humiliated her completely.

But Travis didn’t care if the boy was a child or not. He walked up and started lecturing him.

It didn’t matter to him that the boy was Robert’s child, every child who did something bad had to be lectured. Travis grabbed Wesley’s hand.

“Say sorry. Who taught you to pour wine on someone else?”

Wesley glared at him. He was stubborn and his eyes were filled with anger.

“She is a bad person. She snatched my father away and wanted to drive my mother away. Why can’t I teach her a lesson?”

Wesley said confidently.

Anaya told him that a woman from the outside would attend the wedding today. The person always schemed to bully his mother in order to snatch his father away. Wesley was mad. He knew that pouring red wine on someone wasn’t right, but he thought that a woman like that should be punished. Otherwise, the one getting bullied would be his mother.

His memories also taught him that to protect the people around him, he had to beat down the people coveting around him first.

“Fine, if you don’t apologize, I will do the same to you. I don’t care that you’re still a child.”

After saying that, Travis grabbed a glass of red wine and poured it on Wesley. Anaya was already yelling.

“He’s bullying the child, he’s bullying the child. Security, throw these people out of here!”

For some reason, Georgia felt sad witnessing what happened. She wasn’t sad that she got bullied. She was heartbroken at what the boy did to her, even though she didn’t do anything.

It got chaotic and Georgia was still lost in her thought. Suddenly, she heard a loud slapping sound.

She looked up and noticed that Riley was standing in front of her. He slapped Anaya on the face.

“How can you say something so shameless? Be nice, or I’ll slap you until you can’t talk anymore!”


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