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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 269

“There is no solid wall in this world, I feel that what you mean is that you haven’t found Robert and Georgia’s trace yet, maybe there is no way out, who knows who did that today, let me think about it, me, the person who is taking it up against Robert all day everyday, am I also a suspect now?”

Riley was laughing on the other side of the line, Ivan was quiet for a while, after a long time, Riley finished laughing, and said again.

“A while ago, Robert had ruined a lot of my business, at that time, your uncle came to me, he wanted to cooperate with me and take it on with Robert, but your uncle is not that capable, so I rejected him, here I am giving you another idea, your uncle had lost a lot of money in his own company, Robert has something in his hands against him, he could send him to jail at any time, do you think he might be the person who did that today out of worry? You should investigate him, I guess you will find a lot.”

Riley gave him such an important information, Ivan was quiet for a second, then he thanked him immediately.

“Riley, thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me, you should bring Robert and Georgia back well, I think those two can still be together for a few years, then I can watch their drama, now they might be in the same situation, do you think that Robert is going to get his memory back? I don’t hope that he will, I hope that he will come back and get married to Sierra, then after a few years, after Georgia forgets about him and is with another man, then Robert should regain his memory, at that time we will have a show to watch, this is what I have in mind for them, I hope that they will go according to my plans...”

Riley kept talking on the other side of the line, Ivan was very speechless, he felt annoyed and didn’t know what to say.

This Riley, why was he always like that, if he kept listening it would be a lot of bullshit, so Ivan hung up the phone, then he told everyone about what Riley just told him.

“Riley is right, Robert had chased your uncle out of the company, now that his own company is in trouble, and Robert is going to arrange his wedding earlier, it is all in a hurry, this is the perfect time to take action, and Robert was gone this past year, the Simpson family’s forces are all controlled by your uncle, maybe there has been a mole for a long time, and your uncle is going to take action, this is a perfect plan, this could definitely be possible, we are going to investigate where Alex has gone now, let’s see where he has been, and if we can find his family, we need to find his weak point, only then we have a chance to find Robert.”

Jasper made a decision, none of the others said no, they all agreed that they need to search for Alex, his company, and his family.

They started commanding people to look for Robert and Alex day and night.

On the other side, Georgia already woke up, when she woke up, there was thunder, and big raindrops landed on her, she was soaking wet.

The sky was dark and gray, Georgia looked around herself, there was a big mountain, and she was thrown out on the grass, there were only mountains and trees around her.

Of course, Robert was tied up beside her, he was unconscious, he was not awake yet, and she saw that there were two men in black in front of them watching them.

Was she kidnapped, or was she kidnapped with Robert together?

Georgia tried to push Robert with her body, she couldn’t speak, her mouth was taped, and her wrists were cuffed, her feet were tied with a rope, she could only move with her hands and feet, and then bump into Robert’s body, hoping that Robert would wake up now.

But, before she could wake him, Georgia got the attention of those two guards.

The two strong men turned, they had guns in their hands, then, one of them walked towards her.

“Don’t move, otherwise I am going to shoot you.”

The man yelled, Georgia was so scared she didn’t dare to speak, the rain was falling all along.

Georgia felt that her eyes were blurry, those people had brought her here without telling her what to do, and then they just let her out in the grass, if she was going to be sitting there in the rain she knew that she was going to get sick.

It was too cold, Georgia started trembling all over.

When she was desperate in her heart, Georgia could feel something touch her foot, she turned around immediately, Robert was awake, his limbs were tied, there was a tape on his mouth, the two of them were looking at each other, both of them had questions in their eyes.

They couldn’t speak, so they could only communicate with their eyes.

But, they couldn’t read each other’s minds, Georgia didn’t understand Robert’s sight, she didn’t know if Robert understood her, the two of them were just looking at each other, the rain was getting heavier, the thunder louder, it was pouring rain so that both Georgia and Robert were wet, both of them had been in the rain for a couple of hours, the guards that were watching them didn’t do anything.

After a long time, Georgia felt that she might be getting a fever, Robert looked as if he was about to pass out, the two men seemed to have gotten some command, they turned around and grabbed Georgia and Robert from the ground, what happened after that, Georgia only saw that they were taking through the grass.

Until the end, they were taken to a house, there was a man inside that Georgia didn’t know but had seen before, it was Robert’s uncle Alex, he was sitting outside, surrounded by dozen guards, in his hand he carried a cup and seemed to be drinking water.

This seemed to be deep in the mountains, even the houses looked very old, Georgia didn’t understand what Alex wanted with them there, Alex looked at his staff, immediately Georgia and Robert’s tapes were ripped off.

Robert looked red in his face, he seemed to have high temperature, but his words that he spoke were very calm.

“Uncle, tell me, you have taken me here but not killed me yet, what do you want? Tell me.”

Robert said that, and Alex started laughing loudly after hearing those words.

“Robert, you are a good nephew, I have taken over your company for a whole year while you were gone, I have kept your work running, but what did you do after coming back? You kicked me out of the company, you have made me a joke to everyone, you have watched my own company run into ruin, you didn’t help me at all, yes I have kidnapped you here to take my revenge, yes, I have my reasons, but before that, I have decided to torture you, actually I only wanted to kidnap you alone, but who knew that I was in such luck and Miss Lane was with you.”

After Alex said that, he started laughing alone, but his laugh was filled with hostility, his eyes were filled with hate, so that people got scared.


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