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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 272

Georgia just stared at Robert, thinking that he was a little too optimistic.

“You sit here, I will deal with it. I will make a cave for you later.”

After he finished speaking, he helped Georgia to rest against a big tree.

Then, he walked over to the sunken ground, took a sharp stone and began to dig the soil. Georgia only then understood what he was going to do. He was trying to dig out a hole.

There were rocks on the soil. As long as loess below was dug out, there would be a space for people to hide from the rain.

“You will need to dig for a long time like this.”

Suddenly, Georgia was worried about him. Robert had suffered such a serious injury today, and now he was desperately digging out the soil from the hole. It was a huge project, especially when he was doing it without the help of any tools. He was barely using his hands to dig a space for two people to sit inside.

“Haven’t you heard a story telling about a man named Foolish Old Man that had successfully moved the mountain with his perseverance? If you haven’t heard about that, you must have heard about the mythical bird Jingwei, trying to fill the sea. It’s all about perseverance and determination. Besides, I just want to dig out a hole that can fit the both of us only. Don’t worry, it won’t be long.”

Robert finished explaining. He concentrated on digging out the mud from the hole. Georgia took the initiative to walk to his side.

“Let me help. You will spend a little longer time if you do it alone. Two persons will be twice as fast as one person.”

However, Robert suddenly became stubborn at this moment.

“Your hand is injured. Just stay there and rest. I can do it alone. Please don’t try to force yourself.”

“I only injured my left hand. My right hand can still move. It seems that the rain is coming soon because I heard a thunder just now. Moreover, we both can’t get wet in the rain, so we should do it together to be faster.”

“No way. Even if you only injured your left hand, you are still a patient now. You need to rest.”

Robert forcefully picked Georgia up and placed her at the foot of the tree, where she was sitting there before.

“I said I don’t need your help. I can do it. Please trust me this time and rest well, okay?”

Robert was coaxing her, and a tear fell from Georgia’s eyes.

Robert suddenly became a little flustered.

“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you by saying that?”

Georgia smiled and shook her head.

“I’m just missing a lot the one you were like a year ago. Since you’re back, your attitude towards me before this was always feeling disgusted about me. You only care about me today. Just now, you even used the tone like you’re coaxing a child to coax me. Robert, you used to do the same to me, but you’ve already forgot all those things… How can you forget me?”

Georgia cried and hugged Robert. For that instance, Robert didn’t know where to place his hands.

After a few seconds, Georgia let go of him.

“Forget it, you won’t understand what I’m saying. Since you insist on not letting me to help, you better move faster because it’s about to rain. Later, we both can at least hide inside the hole. Neither of us should get sick, okay?”

At this moment, Robert fled. He suddenly felt afraid to look at Georgia again. Hence, he rushed to the hole and continued to plow out the mud.

Thunder struck for several times and there were tiny raindrops falling from the sky. Georgia felt a cold feeling on her face and Robert’s work was already halfway through. The hole had been shaved into a space where it was enough to accommodate one person.

If he worked on it a little longer, maybe it would have enough space for two of them.

“Robert, it’s going to rain soon, you have to be faster. Or else I’m afraid that it will rain heavily soon.”

Robert did not speak, but he accelerated his own movements. Georgia could only see that he was using his own hands to shave the soil away from the hole.

The hole got bigger again and now, it could probably accommodate an adult and a child.

Suddenly, a bright lightning flashed across the sky.

Right after that, several thunderclaps were heard, and rain started pouring down from the sky. Before Georgia could react, she was already drenched.

However, Robert had not finished digging. This made Georgia so anxious that she did not know what to do, but Robert rushed straight to her and picked her up.

“There’s already room for one person, I’ll carry you there.”

In the blink of an eye, Georgia was put inside the sunken hole, while Robert stayed outside. The rain had already wetted his entire body.

“Robert, come in. Why are you staying in the rain?”

Georgia yelled in anxiety.

“It’s too small to fit the two of us.”

“You come in first. Then, you hold me in your arms. With us holding onto each other, this hole will be enough to fit both of us.”

Robert did not move. The sky had completely darkened, and Georgia could not even see his expression, nor could she see his gaze, but she did not want Robert to get wet. She did not want him to get sick too. So, she yelled anxiously again.

“It has come to this kind of situation! Do you still have to care about my identity? Or the relationship we once had? I just want you to stop getting wet! Come here, we can both hide in this hole. Even if you hate me and resent me tomorrow, or even if we both go on our separate ways tomorrow, you still have to come in and hide from the rain. Just bear with it for one night, okay?”


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