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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 310

With that, Sierra became astonished.

She had thought of a myriad of possibilities, but she never anticipated Robert would like to register with her.

Honestly, as long as she could get married and have the license, she didn't care about the wedding at all.

In that case, all the plans of Jayson and her would be carried out in advance. Sierra's eyes turned red instantly, and with a stoked look, she stared at Robert, her voice trembling.

"Are you coaxing me? Are you sure you want to marry me? I know I'm willful and sort of pushing you now. I wouldn't like to let you go, but I hope you can make the decision following your heart."

Sierra said hypocritically, her eyes focusing on Robert tightly.

"I have considered the matter well before deciding. It's certainly my fault to keep delaying delivering the wedding I have promised you. This time, you can trust me, nobody would hamper our marriage. As for Georgia, be at ease, since I have found a loophole on the inheritance regarding my father's legacy. Now she has to divorce me to guarantee the inheritance. Don't worry, it will be ended in a few days. Once I and Georgia reach a deal, we go to the civil affairs bureau to get the license."

This surprise was so huge for Sierra that she even had no mood to analyze if Robert said this hypocritically or just to sound out. She only knew that Robert had promised her to get the marriage license at once. She needn't check if he was telling the truth or otherwise.

She didn't care about anything else as long as Robert and she would become a legitimate couple.

Eventually, Robert took Sierra back to the villa and Wesley was cheerful because he thought dad had managed to comfort mom and bring her home.

Dad shouldn't dump his mom and him. As sensitive as Wesley, he always felt Annie and her mother would possibly take his father away, so he had been uneasy all the time. And his mom's leaving home rendered him more frightened.

But now, his dad took mom home, making Wesley happy for his dad hadn't been spirited away.

From then on, Sierra, along with Jayson, had been waiting to get the license with Robert. She believed Robert's promise, and it would be carried out soon since he planned to do it as soon as possible.

To talk about Georgia, other than driving Annie to the school and home, she spent most of the time conducting experiments in MU Research Institute.

As to Wilson and Elsie, they had been still investigating who were on those pedophiles' parties and the power shielding them behind the scenes so that they could catch them all.

As time went by, it was the end of the month. Georgia had an appointment with Professor Lee to go to Britain.

It's Sunday today, two days ahead of their departure, when Georgia was packing at home.

Since they would be in Britain for around a week, and it being kind of cold there, Georgia packed her suitcase seriously.

Unexpectedly, Freddie was calling.

She had thought it would be related to Elsie and their investigation, but Freddie began to laugh on the other end.

"Ms. Lane, I'm calling not to ask you out, but it's Mr. Simpson who wants to see you. However, Mr. Simpson would like me to be an intermediary, perhaps for he doesn't want others to know he is in contact with you."

Freddie then told her a place where Robert would meet her. Georgia set off immediately.

On her arrival, Robert was in a parking lot. Georgia got in the car and asked curiously with only the two inside.

"Why did you ask me to carry my residence booklet with me and act mysteriously before meeting me in such a parking lot? Are you imitating James Bond?"


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