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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 351

“Georgia, I just asked my mother on the phone. Aunt Casey didn’t fall in love with Aidan Simpson until she was almost thirty. Before that, the Powell family had never tried to find her. It’s said it was because of Aidan Simpson’s identity, my grandfather recognized her as his daughter. Judging from my mother’s words, probably Aunt Casey was staying domestically. Is she really your birth mother? Why didn’t she tell you earlier? I remember you both have met each other before.”

Georgia shook her head, also feeling confused.

“According to the doctor’s words, your aunt will sober up quite soon. Then we can ask her for more details. Besides, we’re in a hospital, so we can do a DNA test between your aunt and me right away. Maybe we can ask the hospital to do it right now. Probably your aunt has made a mistake. The DNA result is the most reliable.”

Emilia nodded immediately in agreement.

“I agree. Let’s do the DNA test first.”

Emilia was always impatient. The next second, she called over the doctor and asked him to do a DNA test for Georgia and Casey.

Since Casey and Georgia were both in the hospital, it was quite easy for the doctor to get their blood. Soon, the DNA test was taken.

The result would come out on the day after tomorrow as the fastest, so Georgia and Emilia could only wait patiently.

Originally, Emilia wanted to tell her brother about the news, but Aston was busy with Kayden’s matter and the result hadn’t come out yet, so Emilia didn’t tell him.

In the afternoon, Aston came back to the hospital, but Kayden didn’t come with him.

They had dinner at night. In the end, it seemed that Casey wouldn’t wake up so soon, so Georgia went back to her hotel.

Before going to bed, Georgia received a call from Ivan.

“How’s going with Sierra Moon? Anything new?” she asked.

Ivan shook his head and answered, “I’m not calling for the matter of Sierra Moon. I’ve found a matter recently -- Sierra Moon and Wesley are not biological mother and son. Who did you find to do the DNA test for you? Why did the person tell us the fake result?”

When Georgia listened to him, her expression changed a bit.

“Are you sure that Sierra Moon isn’t Wesley’s birth mother?”

Georgia still remembered that Travis and Sarah helped her do the test.

It was Travis who called her in person and told her that Sierra was Wesley’s birth mother.

“I’m pretty certain about it. They are not blood-related. Think about it. For such a scheming woman like Sierra Moon, how could Robert be with her and let her give birth to his baby? Besides, she doesn’t treat Wesley well at all.”

Since Ivan wouldn’t joke with such kind of matter, Georgia answered him, “It was Travis who told me about the result. Sarah Duran had Sierra Moon’s hair, so I asked Sarah Duran to do the DNA test. Why did they lie to me?”

While Georgia muttered, Ivan said, “You can ask them directly. I’m calling you to tell you about this matter mainly. It’s quite late over there. Good night, Georgia.”

After finishing the task assigned by Robert, Ivan hung up the phone.

Georgia wanted to call Travis but gave up.

She decided to ask him after going back.

In Sweden, after hesitating for a whole day, Selena finally called her foster mother on the phone.

“Hello, Mom. It’s me, Selena,” said she directly as soon as the call was connected.

Elliot was still in a bad mood because of Jasper’s sickness, so she was quite cold to Selena.

“What are you calling me for?”

“Mom, I heard what happened to Jasper. I want to go back and do the renal matching test. If my kidney would be suitable, I can donate one to Jasper. Can you allow me to go back to see Jasper? I’m worried about him.”

As Jasper’s parents, both Elliot and Bailey were willing to donate their kidneys to their son. Moreover, if the renal resource was from a lineal relative, it would have a higher success rate. However, neither Elliot nor her husband was in a good health, so they couldn’t match the requirements to donate the renal.

They were still contacting their networks to help Jasper match a suitable renal source as soon as possible. After being upset, the couple had been calmed down. They were trying to save their son through their power and forces.

Upon hearing Selena’s words, Elliot was somewhat touched.

“I’m quite touched since you are willing to do it for your brother. However, if you come back now, Jasper will ask why you’ve left suddenly. How will you explain by then? Besides, after this time, when you want to leave again next time, Jasper would be quite alert.”

“Mom, we can consider those things later. I know Jasper relies on dialysis currently. If his kidney could be transplanted earlier, wouldn’t it be better for him? I’m young and healthy. If my renal source matches and I’m willing to donate it, the operation can be taken as soon as possible. I don’t want Jasper’s sickness to get worse or even cause other health problems. Jasper is still young. I don’t want him to suffer.”

Honestly speaking, Elliot was quite touched. Of course, she also hoped that her son could take the operation as soon as possible.

However, she had kicked out Selena and asked her to leave with her grandson. She felt quite guilty to Selena.

Coincidentally, after Selena was gone, Jasper was sick. Elliot was a bit superstitious. She wondered if that was karma.

However, she was quite hesitant if she should allow Selena to come back.

Probably Selena knew what made Elliot hesitant.

She changed her wording and said, “Mom, I’ll get my health data in a hospital here and send it back. If it could match Jasper’s, please let me go back and do the donation. You can tell him it was from an unknown donor. After the operation is done, I’ll leave. I’m OK with this way.”


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