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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 42

"Mr. Knight said that the hospital in the United States needs to prepare several days in advance. There should be done on this Saturday. Mr. Knight will inform me of the specific time."

Hearing that, Vanessa nodded.

"These days I will take good care of Annie in the hospital, Georgia, you are certainly loath to leave Annie. Go to the hospital after work. Annie certainly hope you accompany with her."

Georgia nodded but felt sore in heart.

She had to make this decision, so, after weighing the pros and cons, she decided to let Annie and Vanessa go to the United States.

She wanted the people she cared about to live well.

Because, Georgia could not imagine how Robert would revenge her!

Georgia came to work by bus. It took her about 40 minutes from home to the institute.

The working hours started from nine o’clock, and Georgia didn't want to leave a bad impression on others.

So she got up at six in the morning.

When Georgia was to go out, it was 7:30.

When Georgia arrived at the institute, it was about 8:15.

By this time, the laboratory’s door was open.

But there was no one inside. Georgia took around and found Aston looking at a file next to the computer.

Georgia came over and said hello to him.

"Good morning."

Aston coldly raised his head to take a look at Georgia. He did not answer, but lowered his head to continue to look at the file.

Georgia subconsciously took a glance at it, it was the lung cancer targeting drug meeting records of this year's global biomedicine conference.

When looking at all kinds of data yesterday, Georgia remembered that almost all the big figures from all over the world attended the conference and discussed their research progress with each other.

Georgia had been in prison for six years. Now she was eager to learn about the current research and its findings.

Yesterday she tried to find the text version of the meeting, but she failed to find it.

Now Aston had it.

"Aston, can you give me a copy of this meeting minute? I want to see it. I failed to find it yesterday."

Hearing that, Aston raised his head to look coldly at Georgia.

"Miss Lane, we are the only two here, you don't have to act. You can’t understand this minute, so you don't have to pretend to me that you're trying so hard and that you know everything."

Georgia stared at Aston with wide eyes and then sighed helplessly.

"I don't know why you have so many misconceptions about me, Aston, but I really want to do research. I like to do research. And I hope I can make achievement."

Aston sneered.

"Don't act in front of me. It makes you look sick."

Georgia had no choice but to give up.

Well, she would ask someone else if they had a copy of the minutes.

Georgia turned to leave, but Aston warned her coldly.

"Miss Lane, I read your resume, it says that you graduated from Imperial University with a master's degree. I called my friends in Imperial University and they said there is no a graduate student called Gigi Lane. I advise you to keep a low profile, lest everyone knows that you have fake academic qualification!"

Georgia froze and then she turned to Aston.

"I don't want to explain. I do have something to hide. But I really want to do this job and make a difference."

Simon introduced to Georgia yesterday that Aston graduated from the Ivy League in the United States. He was capable and had high IQ.

Aston chose to enter the Mu Research Institute because Benjamin personally found Aston. They had the same research direction in philosophy and shared the same ideal.

That was why he joined Benjamin’s research team.

Aston found her resume had a problem, so he was angry.

Georgia understood Aston's dissatisfaction, if it were her, she would hate there was a member with false academic qualification.

Aston did not expect that this woman was shameless even if after being exposed.

And she even said she was going to make difference.

He stopped his work, stood up and waked to Georgia.

"Miss Lane, I've never seen anyone as impudent as you."

The man's eyes were disgusted, and his voice was cold.

Georgia felt upset and became silent.

She could not explain her identity, so she could not blame Aston for misunderstanding her.

"I'm sorry to have bothered you."

She looked up, not wanting him to see the tears in her eyes.

However, at the moment she raised her head, she found a chandelier shaking on the ceiling and was about to fall down!

And under the chandeliers stood Aston.

"Look out!”

Georgia rushed to him and subconsciously pushed Aston to the front.

Perhaps she failed to control her strength, she pushed Aston to the ground.

And she pressed on Aston's body.


The voice that behind was chandelier fell broken, Georgia’s trembled.

The chandelier did fall down. It almost hit Aston's head.


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