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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 438

“You know what person I am. Before I became your father’s bodyguard and assistant, I was a mercenary, working for money. I don’t even know how many enemies I’d made and how many people would like to take revenge on me. For what happened tonight, I really can’t think of a particular suspect at the moment.”

“Then are there any clues that can allow you to guess at who the culprit is?”

“Not right now, but even if they’re fake or stolen, I’ve remembered all the opponents’ license plates. As for the people who attacked, I had Elsie take photos of everyone she saw, and the identity of those wounded or killed will come up soon enough. After knowing their identities, it’ll be possible for me to find out who’s behind it. I should have a preliminary conclusion by tomorrow.

“There’s no such thing as grudges that arise from nothing. There has to be a past to them attacking me. Money makes the world go round, and these people definitely have all sorts of monetary trade. Investigating their accounts, we’ll find the truth.”

“Then rest for tonight. New facts might arise tomorrow. Don’t go elsewhere for now. Find who’s behind it first.”

Wilson nodded and went back to Elsie’s room, sitting at her bedside and holding her hand.

Even now, he couldn’t help but replay those earlier moments in his head.

Back then, two people were attacking him, both skilled. He was too wrapped up dealing with them to notice a shooter getting ready to fire at him from the shadows.

When he finally managed to take those two down, he saw Elsie fling herself onto him. Then a gunshot had rung out.

He watched as Elsie fell before his feet, watched the woman lie there, blood gushing from her torso.

At that moment, Wilson froze for a second, then felt an all-consuming panic.

He couldn’t clearly speak about how he felt back there. All he knew was that that scene terrified him.

Just like how, over ten years ago, he’d seen his own mother jump off the building, his brain was empty, and his panic threw him into disarray.

But in over a decade, he’d experienced numerous dangerous pinches, and escaped from hailstorms of bullets countless times. He hadn’t been afraid even then.

He’d thought he was past the age of being afraid. But today, seeing this woman bleeding before him, he was terrified.

Even when he brought her to the hospital to undergo surgery, his hand was still trembling.

“Hurry up and wake up. If you don’t, I’m not going to recognize myself.”

Wilson spoke towards the unconscious woman. His usually cold gaze showed a gentle light.

“Someone like me is really too dangerous. This is the first time I’ve brought you danger. If I bring you more danger from now on, would you hate me?”

Wilson murmured to himself, then smiled and sighed.

He really was getting too sentimental.

The following morning, when Georgia woke, the kids were still sleeping.

Thankfully, the kids hadn’t had any nightmares yesterday night, and Robert had brought them a rich breakfast early in the morning.

Before the children could wake, Georgia went to the living room and ate.

“How are things? Has the culprit behind last night come out yet?”

Last night had gotten too late, and Georgia hadn’t had the chance to ask Robert what was going on.

Now that they were rested and it was the day after, she immediately raised the question, concerned.

“There haven’t been any news yet. They made a clean job of it. This might take some deep investigation.”

Hearing Robert say that, Georgia sighed.

“Are those culprits targeting our children?”

Robert smiled and explained.

“Wilson told me that they’re targeting him, not our family.”

At that, Georgia was somewhat surprised. She’d thought the opposite, that last night had her and Robert at the center as targets.

Afterwards, Robert summarized Wilson’s words.

Only then did Georgia understand that they weren’t targeting her and the kids.

As for targeting Wilson, Georgia really couldn’t guess who the culprit was at that point.

She could only hope that the truth came out soon.

After breakfast, the kids woke up.

Havin breakfast with them, Elsie happened to wake up too, and Georgia brought the kids over to Elsie’s room.


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