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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 497

To be honest, the address had already been exposed, and there were reporters waiting there, waiting for lab staff to come out for photos and interviews.

Of course, these past few days, the people in the lab hadn’t come out at all. Cars had driven over to provide them with food, but the TV did show footage of the investigation team going in. The Wimbledon family had their own power, so the investigation hadn’t gone public yet.

The two powers were in a tug-of-war. Depending on whether or not Georgia or Eric came out the victor, the investigation results would either reveal the shocking truth, or come back to bite the accusers.

The car drove directly inside under the reporters’ cameras. Naturally, Georgia didn’t come alone, just in case she fell into someone else’s hands. Wilson had brought a few bodyguards with him over.

At the same time, Ivan and Jason were preparing behind the scenes. If Eric went back on his word, they’d continue the market warfare and expose even more facts, squashing the value of the Wimbledon brands into the dirt. They’d prepared the plan completely.

It was just up to Eric if he was going to return Robert to them or not.

The car rolled to a stop.

Georgia and Wilson got out, following Eric step by step into the depths of the lab.

They passed heavy security, with full body scans, pupil and fingerprint tests at every stage.

Eric was the main person passing through, while they followed behind.

After over a dozen checkpoints, they finally arrived in a massive laboratory.

Georgia saw several workers busy in front of their own computers. They looked over in some shock as she and Eric came over, then bent their heads and continued on their own business.

Georgia’s gaze, though, was stuck in the foremost glass room, and she saw Robert lying inside on a bed.

As it was in the photographs, there were tubes stuck up and down Robert’s body.

Georgia flew into a rage.

“What have you done to him? If anything comes up with his body further, Eric, it won’t just be losing a bit of money, but I’ll take your entire family with me to hell!”

Georgia’s gaze was fierce, partly because of rage, but partly also because someone like Eric only spoke to the strong.

Show weakness before him, cry and sob, and he was going to press his advantage.

It was psychological warfare, and she knew that no matter what happened next, she couldn’t lower her head before this man.

Show even a bit of weakness, and Eric would collect himself, then cast her into the depths.

“Mr. Simpson’s body was just too valuable as a subject, so I had my personnel study every part of his body. Don’t blame me, Miss Lane. Nobody told your husband to be the odd man out. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have captured him for this sort of thing anyway. Blame Jayson Mathis for all the experiments he conducted in that lab to cause this sort of mutation. Otherwise, you really think I’d look for trouble with you for no reason?”

Georgia couldn’t hold back and slapped the man before her across the face.

That was just too shameless of a statement. The victim was getting blamed by the perpetrator with such disgusting words.

If Robert hadn’t still been here, Georgia wanted to sink this person to the bottom of the sea as fish food.

Eric’s gaze turned especially dark.

“You’re the first woman to strike me, Miss Lane!”


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