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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 539

"I have contacted Jasper and Jason. Jason told me a piece of good news that Miranda is pregnant. They have decided to get married, but according to their decision, they still need to prepare for a few months. Don't tell anyone about it."

"As for Jasper, he is still worried about Selena. They still haven't given up looking for the child, but they still haven't got any news. Selena's depression is temporarily suppressed, but it hasn't become better. We should go to visit Selena. People with depression need to see more people. Ask Jasper to find a time, and then we go to find them."

"I see. There is finally the good news. By the way, last time you told Travis and Sarah that you were going to have a wedding with me again. Is that true?"

"Yes, I'm serious. Something happened at the wedding last time. We are just nominal couples now, so we need a wedding. I'm preparing it, so you don't have to worry about it. I'll make it great, and you will like it."

"Well, I'll wait for this surprise."

The next morning, when Georgia woke up, she received a video call from Laurie.

It should be late at night in America, so why did Laurie call her at such a moment?

Georgia was confused, but she still answered the video call.

"Aunt Laurie, what happened? Is there anything wrong with Emilia?"

Georgia asked worriedly, but Laurie shook her head with a smile.

"Nothing happened to Emilia. Ivan is taking care of Emilia, so she is fine. I want to ask you another question. I didn't have time to ask you that because of Emilia’s matter yesterday, so I want to ask you now."

"What question?"

Georgia asked curiously.

"I know my son very well. He is emotional. Because of Kayden, he went back home sadly. He has been drinking painfully at home all these days. Professor Lee told me this. I thought he would indulge himself for a few days, but yesterday when we talked, he looked not as depressed as before. I want to know what had happened to him.”

Aston was Laurie's son, so it was normal for her to care about him. Georgia explained it to her.

“I went to see my cousin yesterday and have persuaded him. I've told him where Kayden is and he must cheer up. I told him as long as he tried hard, he would be able to see Kayden again in the future, so his cousin pulled himself together.”

After Georgia finished, Laurie frowned and sighed.

"My son is too stubborn. He has been cold since he was a child, so I was worried that he even couldn't find a wife. I thought he wouldn't fall in love with any woman, so I almost doubted that he even liked men. To my surprise, he is a spoony man. He was also tortured like this because of a woman. But forget it. I don't want to worry about his private life. What happened to Kayden? Why did she suddenly disappear?"

Laurie asked curiously.

"She's sick, but it's not very serious. She needs to be treated for a few days. The treatment is painful, so she wants to stay alone. She doesn't want my cousin to see her ugly look during the treatment. I understand her thoughts, so I helped her. My cousin was angry with me because of this, but I have explained it clearly to him."

Georgia tried to make her sound relaxed. After all, she couldn't let too many people know about Kayden.

Laurie was finally relieved.

After Georgia finished her dinner, Rick came to her home.

Rick had finished his work at school, so he had a lot of time to be the children's teacher.

Georgia was going to see Antonio today, so Robert had to stay at home to take care of the child. She needed to go to Riley's lab base and continue her previous research.

Professor Lee couldn't join her team, but she needed to find the project that Professor Lee was good at and ask Professor Lee to help her with the research.

Before going to Riley Price’s lab base, Georgia came to her mother's home.


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