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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 552

“We can only start investigating Isabel first. Let’s hope that she leaves us some clues so that we can find Vanessa.”

Elsie started to feel bad upon hearing Georgia.

“I should’ve thought of a way to secretly bring my sister and her child back before she and Alfred got together. Then all of this wouldn’t have happened.”

“This isn’t the time to blame yourself. Isabel admitted that she brought Vanessa and her child away. Let’s investigate Isabel and find out who’s backing her up. Let’s see if we can uncover something to threaten her. It’s obvious that she just wants to take over the Chow family’s power and influence. She just didn’t want the second wife’s son to win. This is her weakness, and we should hit where it hurts the most.”

After that, Georgia walked up to Alfred.

“You’ve been around Isabel for a long time. You should know about her weakness, right?”

“Are you trying to say that we should try to get a hold of her weakness and threaten her?”

Alfred asked. Georgia answered by nodding.

“She took away Vanessa and her child. She said that she will protect them, but who knows for how long is she planning to keep them. Who knows that if she will keep her promise? We need to force her to bend to our will. I don’t believe that she has no weaknesses.”

“Her only weakness is her lost child. The Chow family has been investigating this matter for many years and yet they have never been able to find any clues about her child. Other than that, she doesn’t really care about anything else. I think the only way to make her hand Vanessa back to us is to find her lost child.”

“She already put all eggs in her basket. If she doesn’t win this, then the second wife will win. Once Dickson wins the right as a successor and inherits all assets, it’s no use even if she finds her child again. In short, she wouldn’t feel threatened by anything else but her child.”

“So, you’re saying if we can’t find her child, there’s no way we can threaten her. Is that right?”

Alfred nodded wistfully.

“I’ve been around Isabel for a very long time. Maybe not long ago, another one of her weaknesses and worries would be Old Mr. Chow finding out about my background. But now, Old Mr. Chow is standing on her side. Hence right now, there’s nothing that she should be afraid of. She’s betting on her life to fighting with Dickson. She wants to ensure her child to be the successor. She wants to find her child and wants them to inherit the Chow family.”

“What if we destroy the Chow family? Of course, I know that this is easier being said than done. But if the Chow family is destroyed, then she wouldn’t care about the money anymore. Because then even if her child is found, there’s nothing left for them to inherit anymore.”

This was a desperate measure. Georgia was implying that she wanted to use the SY Group’s and maybe even the Simpson family’s influence and power to defeat the Chow family.

Though, without any preparation, their collected power wouldn’t be enough to bring down a big family like the Chow family.

But this would be their last resort. They would try this if they couldn’t think about anything else.

But then, Alfred laughed hysterically again.

“She wouldn’t care. Isabel found out that her child went missing because of Dickson. All she’s doing right now is to seek revenge on Dickson. She didn’t want him to inherit the Chow family’s power and asset. Therefore, she bet on her life to try to prevent this from happening. So, Isabel wouldn’t care if we defeated the Chow family and made them go bankrupt because this meant that Dickson wouldn’t get a cent. She might even be happy about this. She already bet everything on this.”

“So, nothing we do works. Right?”

Elsie who was standing on the side asked. Alfred sighed.

“At least measures to this extent won’t make Isabel budge. We have no leverage, apart from finding her child.”

“Can we figure out a way to find her child?”

Georgia looked at Alfred and asked him.

“The Chow family spent a lot of money and manpower throughout the years looking for Isabel’s child. Until today, we have no news. Right now, one of our options is to of course figure out a way to search for the child, but it’s not going to be an easy task.”

“Send me all the information the Chow family has collected throughout the years. I’ll arrange for people from my side to start investigating. I have another question, why did they mistake you for their son back then? I know Rachel did something, but what did she do? How did she make the Chow family, such a powerful and influential family, to mistaken that you were related to them by blood?”

“Also, what happened to Rachel after that?”

Georgia asked one question after another. She thought that instead of solving problems, there were more and more problems popping out.

She didn’t believe that Rachel could pull off something like that just by bribing a doctor.

She had to leave some kind of clue about what she did.

“I asked Rachel about this before. She didn’t tell me the truth back then and now she’s dead.”


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