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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 564

"I know what you mean. I'll tell Robert this right away."

Georgia gave the phone to Robert and roughly told Robert what Wilson had just said.

Robert said to Wilson on the phone.

"You can go to the company with me tomorrow. The team is working there. You can communicate with them in person. I'm only responsible for investment and management. As for the data, you have to ask the engineers."

"Thank you. I'll go to your company tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Elsie said excitedly.

"How about it? Is there any hope?"

"We can’t be too optimistic. Human genes are changeable sometimes. It's just a try and maybe it won't help much, but we have no other choice now, so we have to try it."

"Yes, we have to try every method. We have got no information yet, and Isabel Brock has been refusing to tell us anything. Since we can’t force Isabel Brock, we have to help her find her child. Let’s try this method first."

After dinner, Georgia saw Robert stay in the study for a long time.

She was confused, so she went in to ask him.

"Why do you stay here for so long? Did anything happen in the company? Or something else happened?"

When Georgia asked this question, she saw Robert hiding something behind him.

"Show me the thing behind you!"

Georgia said with a smile. She had never seen Robert hide something in a hurry like this.

This made her more interested in what Robert was holding behind him. She was not angry at Robert's behavior of hiding things. She just felt that something interesting would happen.

"Show me what you have hidden. I order you in the name of your wife. If you don't take it out, you may lose your wife."

Robert looked at Georgia and said tentatively.

"I can tell you what I have done, but please don’t ask me to show it to you."

"What? Is there something embarrassing? Then you should show it to me. Hurry up!"

Georgia was even more excited. She rushed over and hugged Robert, stretching out her hand to get the thing.

However, Robert lifted it up. Georgia finally saw that it was a notebook.

She smiled and suddenly remembered what Robert had told her when they were chatting before.

"This is your diary, isn't it? You told me last time. Let me have a look. Let me see what you look like when you were a naughty boy. Did you record something funny on it?"

"Are you sure you will still love me after you read it?"

Robert's sudden question made Georgia burst into laughter.

"Why did you ask that?"

"Of course I want to leave a perfect impression on my wife. If you read those things I did when I was young, you will laugh at me for the rest of your life. I can’t let you read it."

Georgia had never seen her husband being so childish. She insisted on reading it.

"Don't worry. I can tell you everything I did when I was a child. Let me read it. If you give me to me, you can do anything to me tonight."

Georgia suddenly said this lustfully. As she expected, Robert stopped struggling and gave the diary to Georgia.

"Then read it. Remember your promise just now."

Somehow, Georgia felt a little regretful.


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